Child in Miller’s dream book
Whose child did you dream about? If he is his own, and he felt bad, then everything will be fine with his health, but he will have to fight with other minor problems. If the disease was incurable, then this is a cause for concern – it means that something really threatens the well-being of the child. The dream in which your offspring died has a similar meaning. If this happened to someone else’s child, then in the near future you will worry and be disappointed a lot.
What happened to the children? They played with you – to success and achieve goals in business and on the personal front; studied or worked – to well-being, prosperity, happiness and harmony (this also promises a dream about beautiful children); grieved and cried – to trouble due to the deceit and anger of people who posed as your friends.
Child in Vanga’s dream book
If you dreamed of your own children, consider this as a sign from above: even if you have not noticed any problems in the family lately, in fact, the household is offended by your words and deeds, analyze your behavior.
The interpretation of dreams about other people’s offspring depends on a number of details. In particular, what did the children do?
Played with you – it means that you will have to endure the old job for some time, but new offers are just around the corner!
Crying – for the sleeper this is a warning: because of your children or immediate family, you will start to get into trouble. But for the planet as a whole, such a dream predicts danger, grief and armed conflicts. And while men will fight, and women will be engaged in unfeminine affairs, then children’s tears will often flow.
A large number of children in a dream can have both a direct meaning and speak of an increase in the birth rate in the world, or symbolize minor problems. They will fall on you from all sides and take a lot of time. All these troubles will turn out to be fatal and will only aggravate the difficult situation if you look for children in a dream.
Two more images make you think about your own behavior: children with disabilities and you yourself as a child. In the first case, this is a signal that your bad habits harm both your health and the well-being of others (although such a dream can be interpreted as a warning of a global environmental catastrophe). The second situation suggests that your childishness is inappropriate and offends other people.
Child in Islamic dream book
What age was the dreaming child? The baby symbolizes your fatigue and powerlessness in front of the flattery pouring into your address, older children promise good news.
How did the baby feel? A sick child dreams of various kinds of troubles, a healthy one – to resolve difficult situations and happiness.
A dream in which you will hold a child in your arms speaks of future acquisitions and wealth. If this is your child, and he has just been born, then chores and worries await you.
Peace of mind promises a dream about how you introduce the baby to the Koran or teach something right – you can sincerely repent of your sins.
Child in Freud’s dream book
Dreams about children Freud associated with the genitals, both male and female (the gender of the dreaming child does not matter). Therefore, dreams in which you look after a child or play with him, the psychoanalyst considered a reflection of a strong craving for masturbation. You are unable to resist this attraction, moreover, you do not want to fight it. Dreams about punishing or spanking a baby if he is of the opposite sex have a similar interpretation. If one, then this may indicate your penchant for homosexuality.
Dreams about saving a child from any danger (drowning, fire, falling, etc.) have a completely different meaning – they talk about your desire to have your own child or take a foster one.
Child in Loff’s dream book
Children express feelings very sincerely, have a heightened sense of justice, and are afraid of really dangerous things. Therefore, analyze dreams about babies in detail, so you can understand the true meaning of your experiences, thoughts and emotions.
Loff considers the three most typical variants of dreams about children:
- Friendship with children. Such a dream may be a projection of your desire if the dreamed baby exists in real life, or it may symbolize yourself in the past if you do not know the child. To correctly interpret the dream, analyze how your communication developed and how you behaved.
- Be a parent and see your children. Most often, such a dream reflects the desire to have offspring. But it may indicate problems in relationships with parents or other people who are authoritative for you. Also, a dream symbolizes your desire to influence some person.
- You yourself have become a child. The dream suggests that authoritarian people in your environment are trying to keep you under control.
Child in the dream book of Nostradamus
Despite the fact that Nostradamus considered dreaming children a symbol of hope and the future, more often he gave such dreams a negative interpretation.
So, if you were holding a baby in your arms, then this is a reflection of your experiences due to a difficult and seemingly hopeless situation.
Disabled children and children with missing limbs speak of the grave danger the planet is in. Severe environmental pollution will lead to the fact that a lot of babies with physical and mental disabilities will be born in the world. Also, a dream can inform that someone is in great need of your help. Another global threat is warned by a dream about a harlot with a grimy baby in her arms. A terrible disease will infect a huge number of people, the population of the Earth will be on the verge of extinction. At the moment when the situation will seem hopeless, there will be a cure for this disease. HIV infection did not exist at the time of Nostradamus, but it is she who fits the description compiled by the soothsayer (he, by the way, was also a doctor).
Since Nostradamus lived in the XNUMXth century, he strongly believed in the existence of evil spirits and associated dreams in which a child is bitten by an animal with an increase in the number of vampires on Earth. They will be especially dangerous just for children. The second interpretation of such dreams is that you will meet with the Antichrist, and he will try to lure you to his side, to make you his disciple. Another dream associated with mysticism is about a pregnant man. Nostradamus believed that in reality this could really happen, but did not rule out that demons could be involved in conception. In any case, both the man and his child will gain worldwide fame.
Three more types of dreams do not pose a threat, but leave behind a sediment on the soul: if the baby cries (by your actions you endanger the future); if you saw yourself as small (you are at the point when it is important to analyze and change your life) and if the child is gone (you are trying to regain hope already lost).
There are dreams about children and positive interpretations. A smiling, strong baby promises the onset of a happy era: love will reign in the world, people will no longer be afraid of wars, poverty, hunger, and in this atmosphere the birth rate will increase, babies will be beautiful and healthy.
A child running on the ground and / or picking flowers symbolizes global renewal and spiritual enlightenment, the formation of a new humanity. It will be able to prevent a nuclear war if, in a dream, the baby will tightly squeeze the snake or kill it.
Child in Tsvetkov’s dream book
Children dreamed – expect a big surprise. But it will be positive or negative, depends on the appearance of the child. Cute, pretty promises good news; ugly, naked and smeared – litigation and sudden worries. Calmness and peace in your life will come if you kiss the baby in a dream.
Child in the Esoteric dream book
Children in a dream are a symbol of kindness and good attitude of people. If your child is dreaming of you, although in fact he does not exist, then the new business will be very successful.
Psychologist’s comment
Maria Khomyakova, psychologist, art therapist, fairy tale therapist:
The image of the child is quite multifaceted. This is both the personification of the divine child (he speaks of the interaction of opposites that can lead to great achievements), and the reflection of the inner child (he broadcasts his own desires and needs), and the symbol of the integrity of humanity, and the source of creativity. Separately, it is worth mentioning the baby resting at the mother’s breast. It is associated with the beginning of a new life and new things.
It is important to analyze why this child appeared in a dream? Remember all the details: what the baby did, what he talked about. Analyzing the answers will help you assess your potential and find a common language with your inner child.