Why is oatmeal oatmeal?

Why is oatmeal oatmeal?

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Oatmeal is made from crushed oat grains. In Russia, oats were quite popular because they were used as feed for horses. They lacked the nutrients from hay and grass to carry loads or help with the housework with ease. It was oats that provided energy to horses. People have noticed that this product allows the animal to stay in good shape.

The name “Herculean” porridge was given back in the 1920s. At the time, a well-fed baby was shown on the package. The name Hercules means that the use of this porridge gives a person the divine powers that the ancient Greek god Hercules had. But the porridge itself has nothing to do with the ancient Greek god and the name is only an established expression. You can now meet the name of herculean porridge not only in stores, but even in cafes.

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