Why is my head often spinning: causes and treatment of the disease
Dizziness in a healthy person is rare and is usually the result of overwork or the influence of completely natural factors. But, if your general health worsens and your head is often dizzy, you should think about a visit to the doctor.
Dizziness: Causes and Treatment
Natural reasons why your head is often dizzy
The feeling of “uncertainty” in space in the absence of any diseases is a rare phenomenon. Therefore, when a person has dizziness, he attributes it to slight fatigue, lack of sleep and even hunger.
If your head is spinning often, the reasons may be as follows:
Fast and sharp movement… The sense of balance is often lost with sharp bends and bends, with accelerated walking or running.
Stress. In stressful situations, adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, resulting in increased blood pressure and dizziness.
Hunger… Inadequate nutrition, snacks, and long breaks between meals often cause dizziness.
Bad habits. The head may become dizzy from smoking or after drinking alcohol, as harmful substances affect the state of the cerebral vessels.
If dizziness is causing you discomfort, it is best to eliminate all of these factors from your life entirely. Otherwise, over time, other symptoms will be added to the feeling of the earth leaving from under your feet, for getting rid of which you will need the help of a doctor.
If dizziness and weakness bother you too often, this may be a sign of such disorders in the body as:
Vertigo, or disease vestibular apparatus. It is accompanied by nausea, cold sweat and sudden changes in pressure.
Migraine… Symptoms of the disease are tinnitus, nausea, cutting pains in the head, intolerance to loud sounds and bright light.
Otitis… The inflammatory process in the ear is often manifested not only by sharp pain, but also by dizziness.
Hearing impairment or view… Disorders due to various diseases and age-related changes can cause loss of balance.
osteochondrosis… Symptoms include impaired neck mobility, back pain, and tinnitus.
If you feel dizzy and feel worse, you need to see a doctor
Frequent dizziness and nausea can also indicate nervous disorders, tumor development, the threat of a stroke, and other serious health problems.
Even if you are sure that you are absolutely healthy, the examination will not be superfluous, because frequent dizziness is an abnormal phenomenon. If you are concerned about other unpleasant symptoms, be sure to see a doctor.
Expert Opinion
– The causes of dizziness can be:
lack of oxygen;
a sharp change in position due to a change in pressure;
severe fright;
prolonged hunger.
Also, dizziness can be pathological during:
panic attack;
There can be a lot of reasons for dizziness, if the patient observes this condition quite often, it is worth contacting specialists for a comprehensive examination of the body. Only after establishing the cause can a treatment strategy be determined.
As a rule, in order to establish the cause of frequent dizziness, it is necessary to undergo series of surveys: MRI of the brain, blood test, ECG, etc. If serious pathologies are found, the doctor prescribes complex treatment, most often taking medications, adhering to a regime of rest and activity, as well as adhering to a diet. In most cases, once the problem has been resolved, the patient no longer worries about dizziness.
Daria Vertinskaya, Expert