Why is my child snoring? What to do?
the child is snoring

Unfortunately, not only men and adults snore. It can be very bothersome, but above all very disturbing if the child is snoring. This problem mainly affects children between the ages of three and six. It is caused by partial blockage of the airways.


The first cause child may have a cold. If the child has a runny nose, the mucous membranes of the nose are swollen, so the air is difficult to squeeze through them, while the lying position additionally complicates it, favoring snoring. If the cause turns out to be just a cold, the snoring will stop as soon as the child recovers.

Another cause the tonsil may be enlarged. It is the most common cause of snoring in children. If, after an examination by an ENT specialist, an overgrown tonsil turns out to be the culprit, the ENT specialist may advise its removal.

Flaccid laryngeal tissues can also cause your toddler to snore. This problem is easy to recognize, because it is characteristic of this condition that the child has problems both at night and during the day: he breathes heavily, wheezing. Flaccidity is not cured. You usually have to wait until the end of the second year of life, when the child will grow out of it.

A deviated nasal septum can also make breathing difficult, especially when accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa. Unfortunately, this ailment needs to be treated surgically, usually around the age of 7, it is rarely performed earlier in justified cases, as early as around the age of 4.

Another of the reasons child may be allergic. Due to swollen nasal mucosa, the child snore at night. It may be necessary to visit an allergist to start appropriate treatment.

Remember, however, that if snoring persists for a long time, it is worth taking your child to the doctor, because the reasons for breathing problems at night can be various.

Treatment, usually brings positive results, allows the child to breathe normally, but it is worth knowing how we can help a child who is snoring.

First of all, it is important to properly moisturize and “clean” (ventilate the room often) the air in the room and at home. You can also get your baby used to sleeping on its side from the beginning. In addition, it is very important not to allow anyone to smoke in your home. Not only because of snoring problems. Also, make sure your child is not obese and eats healthy. Excess weight is often the cause of laxity of the airways. Only if, after applying the above advice, the problem does not go away, especially when snoring is accompanied by apnea or restless sleep, choking or gasping for air during sleep, tense neck and abdominal muscles, and the child seems to be excessively tired and apathetic, you should go to a specialist, which will help determine the cause and choose the appropriate and optimal treatment for you.

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