Why is it worth getting the flu vaccine, especially now? 10 good reasons
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The number of flu cases is likely to grow exponentially, doctors fear. The flu virus is spread by airborne droplets. We can become infected through direct contact with a sick person, but also by touching objects that she used. Therefore, it is not always possible to avoid contact with the pathogen, but you can minimize the risk of falling ill, e.g. by vaccinating against the flu. Why is it worth doing this, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. 10 crowning arguments.

  1. Influenza is still a serious disease and complications can be very serious.
  2. Moreover, doctors fear that this season the number of cases will probably increase by an exponential increase. Additionally, we have another wave of the COVID-19 epidemic. Hence the appeals to be vaccinated against the flu
  3. Vaccination will help to avoid dangerous co-infection of influenza and COVID-19 and hospitalization during a pandemic, by vaccinating we will protect not only ourselves, but also our loved ones. There are more arguments in favor of taking care of the flu vaccinationj
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Let us remind you that preventive vaccinations are by far the most effective tool for combating infectious diseases. They protect against illness, severe complications and even death from infection.

1. Vaccination is the most effective form of flu prevention

Vaccinations prevent disease in 40-70%. depending on the flu season and the vaccinated population. The effectiveness of influenza vaccines also depends on the health and age of the person to be vaccinated, and the type / subtype of influenza virus causing infections in that season.

In addition, vaccinations provide high protection against complications from influenza. Vaccinations promote health – they allow healthy people to remain healthy.

2. Flu vaccine is safe

Seasonal influenza vaccines registered in Europe contain fully inactivated / killed influenza virus particles or only its surface proteins. They cannot make the flu because such a virus cannot reproduce itself and make it sick.

These vaccines have been studied and used for 80 years. Clinical trials and observations after hundreds of millions of doses have proven safe for children, adults, pregnant women, chronically ill and even immunocompromised people. These vaccines are well tolerated and side effects are very rare (influenza vaccines have the lowest number of recorded adverse vaccine reactions).

In the current epidemic situation, doctors and nurses use procedures and personal protective equipment that minimize the risk of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection during vaccination.

3. Vaccination will help avoid the dangerous co-infection of influenza and COVID-19

The flu virus, like the coronavirus, belongs to the respiratory viruses. Infection with the flu virus may make it easier for the coronavirus to enter the body. Co-infection with influenza in patients with COVID-19 is associated with a risk of severe infection and increased mortality.

  1. COVID-19 and the flu at the same time? It is possible. Doctor: disastrous consequences

Therefore, due to the prevalence of co-infections with influenza in patients with COVID-19, an increase in the number of influenza vaccinations is encouraged. In this way, we will reduce the transmission of the influenza virus during an ongoing pandemic and reduce the risk of serious consequences.

4. Vaccinations avoid hospitalization during a pandemic

Vaccinations protect against severe diseases that require hospitalization. Only in the period from January 1 to July 31 this year was registered 1 thousand. 227 cases of illness and suspected influenza. 3 thousand 002 people were referred to the hospital.

5. Vaccination protects not only us but also our families

The role of influenza vaccination is especially important for children and seniors who are most susceptible to the disease.

Kindergartens and schools are great places for viruses to spread rapidly. We can catch flu not only from friends, but also from parents, siblings, grandchildren, passers-by during walks and shopping in the store.

Children often catch flu viruses that they spread to others, including the elderly.

By deciding to vaccinate ourselves, we reduce the risk of infecting our loved ones who may not always or have not had time to vaccinate themselves.

6. Vaccination is the best way to avoid complications from the flu

Flu can be severe and can even lead to death. The risk of complications after the disease is many times greater than the possible side effects of vaccinations. You should be aware that the influenza virus, entering our respiratory system, damages the epithelium of the respiratory tract, and thus opens the way for other pathogens (viruses or bacteria).

The most common complications of influenza are pneumonia, bronchitis, myocarditis, and respiratory failure. There may also be neurological complications such as encephalitis and meningitis, the consequences of which can sometimes be irreversible.

7. Vaccination against COVID-19 is not a contraindication to flu vaccination

In line with the current knowledge and positions of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention It is no longer recommended to keep any time between vaccination against COVID-19 and other preventive vaccinations. There is no requirement for vaccinating adolescents or adults. Another vaccine may be given at any time after the COVID-19 vaccine is given.

When planning vaccination dates, however, it should be borne in mind that after vaccination against COVID-19 for the first 2-3 days, local and general adverse vaccination reactions may occur, which may make you feel worse.

Until recently, it was recommended to leave at least 14 days between the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine and the administration of another preparation. This was to avoid possible overlapping of undesirable vaccine reactions. The above interval was based on the clinical trial procedure. However, recent studies show that the general rules for administering vaccines can be applied.

  1. Doctors urge people to get vaccinated against the flu. When is the best time to do this?

8. Vaccination against COVID-19 is not a substitute for flu vaccination

The influenza virus and the SARS-CoV-2 virus are two different microbes. Vaccination against COVID-19 reduces the risk of getting COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and flu vaccination reduces the risk of getting the flu caused by the flu virus. Therefore, after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, you should not abandon the seasonal flu vaccination.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Simultaneous infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the influenza virus can cause a very severe course of infection. Co-infection caused by these two pathogens can lead to a significant intensification of their consequences, especially in the respiratory system.

9. A previous COVID-19 infection or plasma therapy of convalescents are not a contraindication to influenza vaccination.

According to the recommendations of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vaccination may be performed after recovery, i.e. after symptoms have disappeared. This applies to any acute disease, including COVID-19, regardless of whether the disease was severe or moderate. Although it is known that some patients may experience long-term complications after COVID-19, the key here is the resolution of acute symptoms of the disease and stabilization of the clinical condition. Whether you received convalescent plasma or other treatments during COVID-19, it is not necessary to postpone influenza vaccination. Additionally, each vaccination is always preceded by a qualification.

A person who has had COVID-19 may be at a greater risk of catching the flu and its more severe course, which is why flu vaccination is even more appropriate.

10. Getting the flu vaccine saves you time and money

Each disease is usually associated with the need to purchase medications recommended by a doctor. This can be a considerable expense, especially when complications occur.

In addition, the disease means exclusion from daily activities, a long recovery period, and thus the need to resign or change our plans.

The reduced remuneration for work for the time spent on sick leave is also a disproportionate consequence compared to the cost of the vaccine.

Vaccination qualification without waiting in queues.

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  3. Who dies most often despite being vaccinated? Italian institute study

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