Why is it worth examining feces?

The stool test, like the urine test, is still underrated. Meanwhile, it can show the condition of our digestive tract and what help it needs.

Stool analysis is one of the basic tests performed when a patient suffers from gastrointestinal diseases. This simple test makes it possible to determine the cause of an infectious or parasitic disease. By examining the faeces, you can also assess the degree of absorption of nutrients from food and the degree of secretion of digestive enzymes, which are produced by the pancreas. But the condition of the digestive tract is confirmed not only by the results of laboratory tests, but also by the color and consistency of the stools. Normal stool is either cylindrical or semi-soft. You cannot see any undigested food residues in it. A correct stool should also not smear on the toilet bowl. If not, we should tell the doctor.

Loose stoolwhere you can see drops of fat (or on water) and with difficulty flushing from the toilet is a fatty stool. It occurs when there is severe pancreatic insufficiency or diseases of the small intestine. This stool should be tested in a laboratory. Stool samples collected over 3 days should be submitted for analysis. During this time, only 100 g of fat should be included in the diet per day.

The chair of the foam workerwhich is accompanied by gas emission, suggests intestinal infections or disorders of digestion or absorption.

Pencil-shaped stool is the faeces formed into a cylinder with a small diameter. It may be the result of a narrowing of the rectum caused by cancerous tumors or scars formed after inflammation has healed. Anyone who notices this type of bowel movement should see a doctor as soon as possible to undergo further diagnostics.

Tarry stool occurs when there is an admixture of blood in the stool that has undergone chemical changes. Experts believe that tar shows that the source of gastrointestinal bleeding is in the stomach or duodenum. But the source of the bleeding may also be in the beginning of the large intestine, the cecum. People who report this condition to their doctor are usually ordered to have a occult blood test, complete blood count, and determination of iron levels. Endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract is also necessary. This situation should not be ignored as it may suggest that colon cancer is developing. The stools are also very dark in color when treated with iron preparations.

Light, yellowish stool occurs when bile produced in the liver enters the digestive tract. This phenomenon is called cholestasis. The cause of its development may be a physical obstacle (e.g. a stone) blocking the duodenal papilla through which bile reaches the duodenum. In typical cholestasis, there is also a very dark color of urine, general itching of the skin and yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin.

White stool this is usually the result of an examination in which the patient was given a barite paste in the form of contrast. However, this has nothing to do with the malfunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Greenish and loose stool most often it means an intestinal infection. Additional symptoms include diarrhea and fever.

A stool stained with fresh blood only on top (sometimes seen on toilet paper) may suggest hemorrhoid bleeding. If the blood is mixed with the stools, the source of the bleeding is most likely in the large intestine. A test is then needed to clarify the cause of the bleeding. It is important not to overlook the onset of developing colorectal cancer. Stools with mucus may indicate a functional disorder or mild enteritis. Sometimes you can also see blood or pus in your stools. Consultation with a doctor, preferably a gastroenterologist, is necessary.

In search of parasites

The presence of parasites is a common reason to perform a stool analysis. The most frequently searched for are lamblas, pinworms and tapeworms.

For the examination of faeces for parasite and lamblia eggs, the sample should be collected in a disposable container with a spatula. We fill it in 1. The sample must be quickly in the laboratory to be able to perform the test properly. Parasite eggs are sensitive to light, temperature and air. If the test is to give an answer about pinworms, you can take a swab around the anus with a special stick.

When searching for a tapeworm head, all donated stool is donated to the laboratory.

How to take samples

The material submitted for analysis must be properly collected for the test result to be reliable. It is worth remembering a few comments on this subject.

1. Faeces for bacteriological examination are collected in a sterile container with a spatula, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. On the sheet attached to the container, in addition to the patient’s data, there should also be information about the medications taken. The sooner it gets to the lab, the better.

2. If faeces are to be tested for occult blood, meat should not be eaten for at least 3 days prior to sampling. Dishes containing blood (e.g. black pudding), green vegetables, turnips and horseradish should also be excluded from the diet. You should also not take medications containing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), vitamin C, iron. The stool should come from 3 consecutive bowel movements.

3. Faeces should not be collected for examination during menstruation. In the case of diagnosed haemorrhoidal disease, this information should be placed on the stool container. It is also important to inform the laboratory about bleeding gums, because this may also be the cause of blood in the stool and obscure the correct examination image.

4. When examining the level of secretion of pancreatic enzymes and the ability of the intestines to absorb nutrients, the patient must be on a special diet for several days before taking the sample for analysis, which is determined by the doctor.

5. Faeces for examination should be given naturally, without the aid of laxatives.

6. The faeces to be analyzed are not put to the toilet, but to a container, e.g. a potty, and from there we collect a sample for testing, usually about 2-3 g.

7. People who have regular bowel movements and diarrhea once have a diarrhea sample taken from different parts of the stool for testing.

8. If pathological additives, such as pus or blood, are visible in the stool, they should also be placed in the container.

Good diet for the gut

In the prevention of diseases of the digestive system, including the large intestine, the most important thing is diet. It should be based on vegetables and fruits (400-800 g per day) and grain products (600-800 g per day). Vegetables are a rich source of fiber, vitamins C and E, and folic acid. Fiber not only increases fecal mass and accelerates intestinal transit, but also neutralizes bile acids.

Among the cereal products, the greatest benefit for our intestines is wheat bran, because it makes it easier for them to work. They can be added to kefir, yoghurt and even cottage cheese. Dairy products should also be an inseparable element of the diet, because the calcium contained in it binds bile acids well. The anti-cancer diet must be low in red meat (no more than 80 g per day, i.e. medium-sized minced cutlet, one bit or chop) and animal fats. Foods rich in cholesterol increase the risk of cancer, because it is carcinogenic not only to our blood vessels. Beef fat and corn oil are unhealthy. Instead, let’s use olive oil and fish oils. You should also not overdo it with alcohol, coffee, tea. The method of preparing the meal is also important in the prevention of colorectal cancer. Therefore, taking care of them, let us occasionally allow ourselves smoked and traditionally (over hot fire) grilled meat and fish. Dangerous nitro compounds are formed in meat baked at temperatures above 400 degrees Celsius. They are also present in sausage products and preserved products.

Doctors are increasingly pointing out that the overuse of non-Android anti-inflammatory drugs can also contribute to the development of colon cancer. While there is no definitive confirmation of this theory yet, it is better to exercise caution.

Text: Anna Jarosz

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