Why is it so important to eat walnuts

Walnuts are the most affordable and healthy snack. They are also added to baked goods and desserts, and about the benefits of walnuts there are legends. Why it is important to include them in your daily diet?

In Ancient Babylon the priests already knew about the benefits and the beneficial effects of walnuts on the brain. They even forbid to eat nuts to ordinary people, so that they do not surpass them in mind.

In the Caucasus, the walnut tree is still revered as sacred, some of the trees there have reached the age of more than 4 centuries.

In slavic countries walnuts are called Greek nuts but they have nothing in common with Greece. They were called so due to the fact that nuts were traded by Greek merchants. The homeland of walnut is considered to be Asia.

Walnuts have highest content of the good fats, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, making them a mandatory addition to the diet of each person.

Walnuts are a valuable source of alpha-linolenic acid ALA, the use of which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and strengthens the bone tissue. To meet the standards of the day this substance is enough a quarter of Cup of walnuts.

Also, this nut contains the amino acid arginine, which dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow to the muscles and tissues of the body.

Why is it so important to eat walnuts

And walnuts contain vitamin E, which cares about the beauty of skin, hair and nails for women and also protects against prostate cancer for men.

Due to the large number of bioactive substances and lecithin in walnuts they strengthen the memory, relieve anxiety and stress and improve brain function.

A walnut contains a lot of iodine, helpful for thyroid function. Traditional medicine offers are not easy to use the kernel of the nut, but make a decoction of walnut walls to saturate the body with this important element.

Walnuts protect the body from environmental influences and prevent aging, as it contains in its composition a copper and manganese.

Ways to eat more walnuts per day:

  1. Add nuts to cereal or smoothies for Breakfast. Goes well with honey and berries.
  2. Add chopped walnuts to salads, vegetables, cereals, and ice cream or yogurt.
  3. Delicious sauce can be prepared using walnuts – mix in a blender a Cup of walnuts with a half Cup of fat-free yogurt, add a teaspoon of Dijon mustard, 2 cloves garlic and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  4. Take nuts for a snack and eat a few pieces when acute hunger, instead of chips and candy.

What will happen with your body if you eat walnuts every day watch in the video below:

What Happens When You Eat 5 Walnuts Every Day

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