Quitting smokers usually decide to take special tablets containing nicotine, gradually reducing its doses, or they read a lot of guides and try to implement all methods at once. However, it seems that the most important issue in this extremely difficult fight is to develop your own plan of action.
Irritability and nervousness may appear immediately after quitting smoking and last for several days. This is the most common and troublesome reaction. A person who quits smoking becomes more agitated and nervous, and their emotional state is unstable, which is extremely burdensome for both the smoker and his environment. The feeling of internal struggle and tearing is then very strong. It takes great willingness and the will to fight to not give up and fight the addiction further. Unfortunately, the desire to smoke often wins and breaks abstinence. Meanwhile, the irritability reaction is completely natural and it is easy to reduce it.
Why such a reaction?
Everything is encoded in our psyche. The nervous system, which regulated the received doses of nicotine, suddenly did not receive it, so he must have “gone crazy”. The long-term, already mechanical operation of burning is suddenly switched off. This increases the nervousness. The body does not know, does not understand why this habit is suddenly destroyed. In addition, nervousness supports smoking cessation itself. Trying not to reach for a cigarette, we subject the psyche to a hard test. Instead of getting tired, it’s worth thinking about ways to “cheat” the desire to smoke, replace the reflex with other activities that will slowly but effectively help switch the psyche to a different way of thinking.
What can you do !:
1. Remove all cigarette-related items from your immediate environment. In the smoker’s apartment, lighters are everywhere. It’s no wonder that a nicotine addict wants to have “fire” on hand and always has to have it in reserve in case it goes bad or has difficulty lighting. A person who quits smoking should clean his room of lighters, empty cigarette packs, and ashtrays. In addition, she should carry out a general cleaning of the rooms where she stays. Of course, the smell of nicotine is hard to get rid of, it settles for a long time on curtains, curtains, sofas. However, every effort must be made to eliminate this smell as much as possible.2. Think about how to manage the time you used to spend smoking.For people who have nothing to do with cigarette addiction, the matter seems trivial, but not for a smoker, for whom it is a real challenge. As a rule, “cigarette time” is associated with a break at work or school. He takes a cigarette out of his bag or pocket and goes to talk to his friends. It’s worth thinking about what else to do during this time, how to prepare for the break. For example, you can eat sticks, chips, drink water or pick a sunflower – just to focus on another activity. It is good in the first period of quitting smoking to eat more than usual. Instead of going out for a cigarette, eat a sandwich, salad or go to lunch. 3. Smoking a cigarette while quitting smoking doesn’t mean you’re weak. Mostly people struggling with addiction put everything on one card – “I give up completely or not at all”. This method is practically impossible to implement. When you are tempted to smoke a cigarette, e.g. in a pub with alcohol, you think that your psyche is still weak, that you will deal with it next time. Nothing could be more wrong. You can’t quit smoking all at once. Smoking a cigarette occasionally does not necessarily mean losing, on the contrary, if you have not smoked for a long time, you have been tempted and you do not smoke again, it means that you are on the right path. You control the situation, you control the fight against addiction. You have a chance to win.