Why is it so difficult for a woman with a child to start a new family

The attitude that after a divorce a mother and child should not even dream of a complete family is a myth. Most likely, its authors are insecure men, they are simply afraid to take responsibility. Unfortunately, a large percentage of women believe that having children reduces the attractiveness rating in the eyes of fans; many hide the child to the last. In fact, both a young girl and a lady with babies have the same list of difficulties in communicating with men. But only in adult women is the effect of memorization less pronounced: they do not remember how difficult it was to create a first family, how many problems arose. It seems that before everything was easy, but now a wall of misunderstanding has arisen.


It is important for a woman to understand what she wants from a man, what kind of relationship model is ideal for her. You need to understand what you are ready for and what you can agree with. Here are some options for families:

– companions. Spouses have the same moral and financial responsibility, they plan the future. There are no leaders. This is ideal, but good if the partners are proactive, energetic, and have enough courage to make decisions.

– Mother and son. The man does not take the initiative, the woman does and decides everything. With the children of the spouse from the first marriage, the husband builds either friendly relations, or does not communicate at all. He does not take responsibility for upbringing and financial well-being. Choosing such a model, a woman runs the risk of facing difficulties: if for some reason she wants to rely on a partner (fatigue, illness, change of priorities), it will be impossible to do this, the marriage will fall apart. If you do not want such a development of events, avoid infantile men.

– Father and daughter. The unconditional leader is a man (the age of the partners does not matter), the woman shifts the upbringing of the child to the spouse. As a rule, such ladies devote most of their time to themselves. The model is the opposite of the previous version. A man may run out of patience, or, for objective reasons, it will become difficult for him to cope with duties.

– two of a Kind.  The spouses are equally careless, not ready to plan for the future, the woman, despite the birth of a child, is not used to taking care of him. Most likely, her first family had a father and daughter model. “Two boots of a pair” is a hopeless option for building relationships. Fortunately, it is not common, because mostly infantile men are looking for energetic women and vice versa.

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