Why is it necessary to cook “black ear” on March 7?

Why is it necessary to cook “black ear” on March 7?

Signs and traditions of Mauritius day.

Mauritius Day has its origins in pagan times. In 305, the Roman Mauritius confessed that he was a Christian, and did not renounce the faith, even when his own son was killed in front of him. The military leader Mauritius and 70 of his soldiers took a terrible death for Christ: the emperor ordered, after torturing all the soldiers, to coat them with honey and tie them to trees in the swamp. For ten days the men were bitten by mosquitoes, bees, bumblebees and gadflies, but they continued to pray and praise the Lord, then the emperor ordered their heads to be cut off and their bodies left without burial. Every year on March 7, the Church commemorates Saint Maurice and his soldiers – the Apamean Martyrs.


  • If rooks and swallows returned home on March 7, then the spring will be early and warm.

  • If the day was cold and without precipitation, then autumn promised to be warm and without rain.

  • On March 7, fog – for a dry and hot summer.

  • A hot and bright sun means that summer and autumn will be prolific.

  • Our ancestors believed that dreams on March 7 are prophetic and will certainly come true within six months.

Have you ever boiled a black ear?


On this day, while the ground had not yet thawed after winter, people went out into the fields and scattered manure, saying “Manure in the field – there is a cart in the barn” or “Put the manure thickly, it will not be empty in the barn.” It is imperative to have time to fertilize the earth.

In those regions where it was already warm, people sowed cabbage in the garden in advance: it was believed that this could save the future harvest from the attack of caterpillars.

Necessarily the hostesses carried a clod of earth, which can be dug out in the garden, into the house. There was a sign that this way you can drive out all kinds of insects from your home – cockroaches and bedbugs.

A special dish was served on the hostess’s table – black fish soup, fish cooked in cucumber brine with the addition of various roots and spices. The ear received this name according to one version for the presence of fish species that gave a dark color to the broth. On the other – because of the brine, which also made the liquid cloudy.

Weed fish (crucian carp, rudd, bream, roach, gudgeon, etc.) were usually used to prepare black fish soup.

If you want to celebrate the day of March 7 according to the ancient Russian canons, then be sure to prepare this dish. Wday.ru found a recipe for an unusual black fish soup for you.

You will need for 4 servings:

  • 500-600 g of fish (crucian carp, rudd, bream, roach, gudgeon, etc.)

  • 200 g raw potatoes

  • 2 liters of water

  • 1/2 l cucumber pickle

  • carrots, onions, peppers, celery, lavrushka, salt.

Boil fish broth in 2 liters of water for an hour, strain. Add diced potatoes and carrots, pour in the brine and season with finely chopped onions and celery. Boil for 10-15 minutes to cook all the vegetables. After the ear is ready, add fish to it (first separate the meat from the bones and carefully sort everything so that the bones do not get into the ear), pepper, salt and bay leaf. Bon Appetit!


Have you ever boiled a black ear?

  • Yes, and more than once. Delicious!

  • No, never.

  • I tried it once, I won’t. Did not like.

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