Why is it important to wash your navel and how to do it right

Many people do not even think about navel hygiene, but in vain.

Do I need to wash the navel and how to do it correctly: the doctor answers

Studies of this part of the body indicate that there are quite a few bacteria in the navel, most of which have not been fully investigated. Such pollution is called “umbilical dust”. This dust is formed from old dead skin, hair, clothing and dust particles.

The navel is a wound that was created by cutting and tying the umbilical cord. It turns out that this is the “door of the body” through which no harmful bacteria and viruses can be allowed to enter. However, the question arises of how to properly monitor the hygiene of the navel and what can be done and what is absolutely not allowed. Mariyat Mukhina, doctor of medical sciences, therapist, dermatologist, nutritionist and founder of the federal clinic “Origitea”, helped Wday.ru figure it out.

Like other parts of the human body, the navel needs to be cleaned to avoid collecting dirt that feeds numerous microbes.

Microbes are known to be carriers of infections. Also, it is because of their vital activity that an unpleasant odor from the navel may even occur.

Why wash your navel?

Daily hygiene can help prevent diseases such as omphalitis, or navel inflammation, which can be caused by a fungal or bacterial infection. This infection is far from always harmless and can turn into a phlegmonous form.

After taking a shower or bath, you must:

  1. Dry the navel with a napkin.

  2. Also once a week (not more often) clean it with a cotton swab and hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.

Since the navel is a very important part of the body, traditional methods of cleaning and treating it can be dangerous to health. Therefore, if necessary, you should contact a specialist.

Unpleasant smell from the navel: reasons and how to deal with it

1. Poor hygiene. Each person is completely individual, therefore, everyone’s body gets polluted at a different rate. Moreover, everyone has their own profusion of sweating and the intensity of exercise throughout the day. Therefore, the first step in case of an unpleasant smell from the navel it is recommended to try to carry out hygiene procedures with the navel more often, but only if obvious inflammation or disturbances, reddening of the skin in this area are not noticeable.

2. Unpleasant odor can be caused by pile from clothes or other matter with similar properties. In this context, things made from natural fabrics are more dangerous than synthetic ones.

3. Yeast infection. Candida yeasts are found all over our skin, including the navel. But this yeast is mostly harmless. However, the favorable conditions available to the navel can lead to the formation of a true yeast infection if hygiene is not thorough enough. When an infection of this kind occurs, others join the unpleasant odor. symptoms: burning, itching and clear discharge from the navel.

How to properly care for such a delicate part of the body?

  • Due to the relative similarity of microflora, navel care should be treated in the same way as the armpits and groin area. Namely – wash with soap.

  • Note that it is strictly forbidden to pick at the navel with sharp objects or a finger. But if suddenly from such manipulations the navel or the tissues around it turn red and swollen, then you need to urgently contact a specialist.

The navel is one of the most important parts of the human body. The hygiene of this zone is important, since it contains a large number of strains that have not yet been studied by doctors, and if hygiene is not observed, the work of the whole organism can be disrupted.

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