Why is it important to keep exercising even when you’re on vacation?

Why you shouldn’t stop exercising while on vacation or traveling? How to change the training plan to keep fit and enjoy the rest at the same time?

Even die-hard sports fans are sometimes tempted to skip classes for a week or two. This is especially true during the holidays, when you want to lie relaxed on the beach every day, and not sweat in the gym. There is an opinion that it is possible to stop training while traveling without losing the results achieved. However, practice shows that this is not the case.

Reasons why it’s important to keep exercising on vacation

There are several reasoned reasons not to abandon training while on vacation:

  1. Loss of muscle shape in the absence of exercise. Regular exercise helps keep muscles in good shape and stay in shape. A break in training and a decrease in activity leads to a loss of muscle mass and an increase in body fat.
  2. Difficulty in resuming sports activities after rest. For many athletes, the problem of motivation is very relevant. In order to maintain discipline, it is necessary not to interrupt training on vacation.
  3. Weight gain problems. Many gain weight on vacation due to relaxation and lack of exercise. According to statistics, it takes about 5 months to get rid of the kilograms added during the holidays. It is unlikely that anyone will be pleased with such a prospect.
  4. Change of food. During the holidays, there is a high probability of being tempted by junk food and indulging in any gastronomic pleasures. People who are actively involved in sports, as a rule, follow a diet, and if they allow themselves indulgences, then not at all.

How to adjust your workouts while on vacation?

  • In order not to lose shape and at the same time relax on a trip, it is allowed to reduce the duration of each lesson and slightly reduce the load. It is recommended to include in the training exercises that involve more muscles. For example, circuit training is optimal.
  • It is best to do sports on vacation in the morning, and devote the rest of the time to what the trip was for (swimming in the sea, sightseeing, etc.). If the rest is not at all active, you can do it during the day in a cool room or the hotel gym.
  • Such physical activity helps to maintain physical fitness and is a good “shake-up” for the body, which, upon returning from vacation, will respond to sports in a new way.

Important! If the trip involves such active activities as diving, mountain biking, bungee jumping, rafting, etc., it is not necessary to additionally follow the usual training program.

How to replace the usual exercises on vacation?

Before you go on a trip, you need to think about how exactly the training will take place. Not all hotels have gyms – it is better to clarify this nuance in advance. But exercises with your own weight can be done anywhere, special equipment is not required. You shouldn’t train to the point of exhaustion, but it shouldn’t be easy either.

Vacation activities can be:

  • pushups;
  • squats and jumping up;
  • from the “bridge” position, lifting one leg up;
  • bar;
  • jumping in place with a high rise of the legs;
  • flexion of the torso lying down;
  • plyometric lunges.

To stay in shape while traveling, you need to keep training to maintain and improve the results you have achieved. With a competent approach and correction of the plan of sports activities, you can combine business with pleasure, return from vacation refreshed and rested.

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