Hello dear readers! I have repeatedly emphasized how important the ability to bear responsibility is in all spheres of human life. And the zone of this responsibility just begins with our words. If I talk about something, it means that I then answer for it, without evading that this did not happen or I forgot. So, at least, it happens in mature individuals. They live by the principle — keep your word. And why it is so important, I will tell you now.
Why do we need this?
First, let’s define what this expression means?
The ability to keep your word is if you promise something to another person, then, despite the difficulties, unprofitability, etc., you will fulfill your obligation.
Why do we need this? Yes, then, that if you do not throw words into the wind, others will trust you. After all, it is impossible to trust a person who deceives or is not serious about promises. If they trust, then they will recognize and respect. In fact, there are very few people you can rely on in our world, and they are especially valuable in the business world. Accordingly, your self-esteem will grow, any relationship will develop successfully.
You will be healthier, because the level of stress that the body experiences while being caught off guard, on a lie, may seem insignificant, because a person gets used to it, but very destructive and keeps the nervous system in constant tone.
If you have good self-esteem and trusting relationships with partners, then it will be much easier for you to realize your needs and ambitions, especially if you enlist the support of people as reliable as you are. And they will be reliable, because in your environment they will act in the same way as you, so as not to lose your disposition.
Keeping your word will make the process of achieving success much easier. And in general, your sense of self will change when you feel the importance of your words — you will feel your importance, your value and significance for yourself, for others and in general in this world. Now you are convinced that not only the military is obliged to answer for his words, but also each of us, regardless of gender and age?
- Remember, we learned to draw up a clear plan of action? It was in an article about time management. So, the principle is the same, before you promise something, weigh the pros and cons, the realism of this promise and in what time frame you can fulfill it. Why do it? Yes, because then you will calculate your strengths, because then it will be conscious, and not just thrown words, and it will be clearer to another person what exactly is to be expected from you and what is not.
- If it suddenly happened that you cannot do what you were talking about, be sure to warn about it. Yes, it’s embarrassing and embarrassing, but if you start avoiding meetings, just then you will be known as an unreliable person, especially for men, who in this case act very ugly towards a woman.
- First of all, try to make some small promise to yourself so that you don’t ruin your relationship with others. And write it down in your diary, in the list of tasks and goals. So over time, you will develop the habit of acting according to a plan and fulfilling obligations.
- It is very important to be able to refuse, everything seems to be simple, you just have to say “no”, but many people fall into the trap, believing that then they will be rejected, that it is inconvenient to refuse, otherwise they will be considered weak and unable to do something, etc. . So, fearing to seem uncomfortable and out of politeness, we sometimes take on what we don’t want to do at all. And just then, a protective mechanism is activated, thanks to which we simply forget about this promise. This is how our psyche works. So, tired of work, you can start to be late for it, or, not allowing yourself to take a vacation, get sick, then the body has a legal reason to rest.
- Take a closer look, is there a person in your environment who never keeps his word? If so, how do you feel about it yourself? Are you ready to start a business together? What about entrusting children? I doubt it, unless, of course, this style of behavior is not the norm for you. You have every right not to do what you say, and this is your choice, but in this case, there will be no stability and reliability in your life. And sustainability is essential to success.
That’s all for today, dear readers! It doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman, every self-respecting person fulfills the promise, and this is a powerful tool on the path of self-development and the realization of one’s goals. So, be careful what you say. Good luck to you and reliable people nearby!
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