Why is it dangerous to buy bulk food in supermarkets – Rospotrebnadzor

Tea, coffee, cereals, dried fruits, nuts – it is very convenient to collect all this by yourself. However, experts do not recommend doing this.

Probably, in any large supermarket you can see a similar picture: people themselves pick up groceries like cereals and sweets from boxes into packages, carry them to weigh – exactly how much is needed, no more, no less, and you can also choose a prettier nut. As well as frozen vegetables and convenience foods – from freezers. And why could it be harmful?

Personally, I stopped buying something by weight in the supermarket after one disgusting incident: a couple of newcomers walked along the line with cereals, carefully examined everything, and the woman, in passing, also raked in a handful of peas and rice, passed it between her fingers, and poured it back out. Did you vomit too? Here are Rospotrebnadzor specialists too.

The department’s experts, however, do not appeal to a sense of offended aesthetics, but to sanitary and hygienic safety. After all, anyone can get into baking and freezing with their hands. God knows when this person last washed his hands, and what he is sick with. Dust, dirt, bacteria, corny hair – all this turns out to be in products offered by weight. And if we at least cook the freeze, and all bacteria die (although hair and other rubbish remain), then hardly anyone boils nuts or fries bread.

“This is a huge risk for any buyer to contract any kind of infection. In addition, not all bacteria are sensitive to high-temperature processing, ”warns Rospotrebnadzor.

Indeed. After all, that woman could have had anything on her hands, up to and including scabies. And how many more such “educated” people rinsed their hands in croup before her?

In the markets, by the way, the situation is similar, but still not quite the same. After all, there the seller picks up the products himself. Therefore, buyers are entirely dependent on the seller’s cleanliness and the overall cleanliness situation in the market. By the way, it is generally advised to buy nuts and spices only in the markets.

But the safest, in any case, are prepackaged foods. In factories, hygiene standards are met more stringently than customers in supermarkets.


Do you buy products by weight?

  • No, this is unhygienic – and it is obvious without Rospotrebnadzor.

  • Yes, it happens, because the products are cheaper by weight.

  • Only frozen and sweets – they are wrapped in wrappers.

  • In general, I do not go to large supermarkets, I have enough shop near my house.

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