Why is it colder in a country house than outside?

Why is it colder in a country house than outside?

You want warmth and comfort everywhere and always. And it is very strange to freeze in your own house, when outside is not just a freezing temperature, but a real hot summer.

Many of us noticed that, despite the beautiful warm weather outside, it is often cold and damp in the country house. The temperature difference is especially acute if they are rarely in the house. Outside the walls of the house, the temperature can reach 25 degrees Celsius, but inside the house – not exceed 15 degrees. And what will happen in the fall, in October? The situation must be saved.

Who’s the Boss?

Experienced summer residents say that the house needs to be shown that it has an owner. It is important to get rid of the trash that has accumulated over the years in basements, closets and closets. They can already become moldy and carry not only an unpleasant smell of dampness, but also various diseases. Open all windows and doors and thoroughly ventilate all the rooms, otherwise the mustiness will not go anywhere, even if you warm up the dacha well.

You need to be in the house often in order for it to come to life. This will require a sufficient amount of time and constant heating, only in this way the house will have time to warm up, dry out, and only then will it begin to accumulate and retain heat. A great option is a gas boiler. It will allow you to dry your home many times faster than, for example, stove heating. 

Keep warm!

Sometimes the problem lies not in the absence of the owner, but in the building itself. Incorrectly installed windows that allow air to pass through, problems with the foundation, blind area or floors – all of this should be looked at with a professional construction glance in order to identify the cause of heat loss from the home in time.

After eliminating the leaks, you can do insulation: for example, a wooden dacha is always warmer and drier than a brick or brick-lined one, since the tree warms up faster and easier and retains heat longer. And a properly laid and high-quality insulated foundation is the key to a long and comfortable life for your home and you in it.

Or maybe a roof?

Sometimes the rate of escape of heat depends on the condition of the roof of the house. To minimize heat loss, you need to insulate it. Studies say that it is through the roof that about 40% of the heat of the house is leaking, because hot air rises up according to the laws of physics, and it is in the leaky roof that it finds a way out.

It can be insulated both from the inside and outside, and there are various materials for this. It is important to consult with experts before choosing the insulation option that suits you.

Take a look into the cellar or basement

Such hidden places in the house require special attention, because they are difficult to ventilate, and most often all the most unnecessary and old accumulates in them for years. Put the closets, basements, cellars and closets in order, dry the room with a fan heater, remove mold and other places affected by dampness and fungus. In general, it is ideal to organize ventilation in such places. Often the problem of the whole house lies in such secluded places.

Take a look at old things with a new perspective

Sometimes, when looking for a source of dampness, we turn our attention to the wrong items. But often the matter is small: carpets and rugs, saturated with moisture, microbes and an unpleasant odor and on which you cannot walk barefoot; curtains that have lived in the house since the time of the great-grandmother; furniture, the upholstery of which has lived for more than a dozen years without a single wash and cleaning … All these things are breeding grounds of dampness, stench, mold and bacteria. Get rid of them or thoroughly disinfect them so that the house “breathes”.

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