Why is it better not to drink beer with vodka?

It’s no secret that the most popular alcoholic drinks in Russia are beer and vodka. Moreover, everything is aggravated by the folk tradition of “polishing” with beer after vodka. I will talk about the results and possible consequences of this combination.

There is an opinion that when mixing alcoholic beverages, you can increase the degree, but in no case should you do the opposite (lower), otherwise you will quickly get drunk, and the next morning you will have a terrible hangover. There is no scientific evidence to support this hypothesis. Moreover, many drinkers can refute this statement based on their own experience.

Intoxication and hangovers depend on the individual characteristics of the body, and not on the sequence of drinking alcohol. For some, beer after vodka will not create problems, but there are people for whom this mixing is contraindicated. Tip – if you do not know how mixing alcohol will affect your condition, try to drink only one drink throughout the feast.

In the case of mixing vodka and beer, intoxication can really come sooner. The fact is that beer contains carbon dioxide, which irritates the gastric mucosa and alcohol begins to be absorbed into the blood faster.

There is also a definite relationship between a hangover and mixing alcohol. A hangover after vodka is caused by fusel oils contained in the composition. If a person washed down vodka with beer, then, together with fusel oils, his liver will have to additionally process the fermentation products contained in beer. The burden on the body is doubled, so the hangover feels stronger and lasts longer.

Usually beer and vodka get in the way when they want to get drunk quickly. This is the right of everyone, but such experiments can adversely affect health. Moreover, the sequence itself does not matter much.

Why is it better not to drink beer with vodka?
Wash down vodka with beer – get drunk quickly

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