Why is fitness good and what does regular exercise give? What is fitness good for?

A woman, consisting of muscle bulges where they are incompatible with femininity, is now greeted with admiration only in a narrow circle of bodybuilders. For people with traditional tastes, a woman fed on steroids is more likely to be rejected. Therefore, on the ashes of the fading interest in female bodybuilding, a fairly new game “in building” your body appeared – fitness.

Looking at fitness professionals, you begin to understand the excitement of the fair half of American society – the perfection of Greek goddesses with proportionally developed muscles distinguishes them favorably from anemic fashion models. In addition, for fitness, girls use special beautiful clothes – fitness bikini. This allows you to stay beautiful under any stress and feel like a woman. Here www.amarea.ua you can choose options for yourself.

What can regular fitness training do?

With a successful combination of exercises designed to develop specific muscle groups, you can:

– fix some flaws in the figure;

– polish the existing advantages;

– get rid of extra pounds.

However, one should not expect a complete change in the bodily constitution or fabulous reincarnations. You cannot become Venus de Milo if you are a lady of the Custodian type. Starting classes, you need to feel your ideal – and strive for it. The ideal should not be based on centimeters and sizes, but on harmonious proportions. For a woman, it is not the size that is important, but the shape, as knowledgeable bodybuilders say.

If we talk about fitness as a way to improve your body, you should know that the result will appear after months of training, but if you have achieved positive changes, then you will not return to the previous one – hormonal changes have occurred.

After all, even after plastic surgery for body shaping, you still have to come to the gym for postoperative muscle resurfacing. So maybe it’s better to go straight to the gym, bypassing the surgery? And healthier and safer.

The training program consists primarily of exercises on special simulators and strength weights. Fitness is most attractive for women, because it usually uses a small weight (most often dumbbells) with frequent repetition of exercises (sets). We can say that this is a lightweight and diluted with aerobic exercise version of bodybuilding.

Aerobics is no longer popular

Aerobics, invented by Jane Fonda and having experienced a boom in its time, has lost millions of its fans: for full-fledged exercises, 2 hours of daily workouts are needed, not everyone will find so much time at their leisure. In addition, people with heart disease, the elderly or overweight people cannot do aerobics. The load on the heart is too great. Therefore, just living in motion is an alternative.

Aerobics is usually practiced in groups, which means that there is no need to talk about any individual approach. In addition, aerobic training leads mainly to the loss of kilograms, and it is simply impossible to build muscle mass (if necessary in certain places) with its help.

The backbone of any fitness program

In fitness, traditional aerobic exercises are used:

– run;

– walking up the stairs;

– a bicycle or imitation of these movements on exercise equipment;

– jumping rope.

Overweight people cannot do without them. However, iron training – strength machines and free weights – are the backbone of any fitness program. They are necessary primarily for the formation of the muscle frame, as professionals say.

For many women, barbells and dumbbells are associated with piles of muscles and biceps in 100-pound athletes. However, it has long been proven that even most men need years of training and super nutrition to achieve these sizes and shapes.

Female sex hormones prevent you from gaining excess muscle mass. And if you do not eat steroids and hormonal supplements, then competent exercise with iron will never make a woman masculine.

Moreover, nature itself provides a thin layer of fat, which gives softness and charm to the outlines of the female figure. Only with the help of strength exercises is it possible to significantly change the shape and volume of muscles. Healthy muscle tone is impossible without power loads. The healing effect is to strengthen the immune system after a month of regular exercise. And in achieving the beach look, such exercises have no equal – which is why gyms are so crowded in spring.

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