Why is diabetes mellitus dangerous?

Doctors consider diabetes mellitus to be the real plague of this century. This ailment closes the four most dangerous human diseases (after cardiovascular diseases, oncology and broncho-pulmonary ailments).

The greatest insidiousness of diabetes is that at first it is almost asymptomatic, which means that it can be detected at an early stage in only one way – by regularly donating blood to the blood sugar level.

And there is no need to postpone this simple examination “for later”, justifying your inaction by the fact that nothing bothers you, you are young, and in your family no one has met this ailment. According to experts, every fourth person affected by this ailment does not even suspect that his health is already undermined by diabetes.

Why is diabetes mellitus so dangerous? It interferes with living a full life, destroying the body on the sly. The consequences of this disease are extremely sad if it is not detected and treated in time. Neglected diabetes can lead to severe complications, such as:

– kidney damage;

– diabetic foot cider (damage to the lower extremities up to amputation);

– damage to the eyes up to complete blindness.

And all this “set” can be avoided if you regularly monitor blood sugar levels. You can do the analysis completely free of charge both in your clinic or health centers, and in the laboratory nearest to your home or office for little money.

As for the prevention of diabetes, it is quite simple: watch your weight, eat right, lead an active lifestyle and do not forget to do a blood sugar test at least once a year.

Do not neglect the medical examination! It allows you to identify diseases (often in the early stages), which a person for the time being is unaware of. And the treatment started on time increases its effectiveness. With the highest employment, find 1-2 days for your health, undergo a medical examination, which takes place every three years, and live peacefully in full health.

Diabetes risk factors:

• overweight at any age (this indicates a violation of carbohydrate metabolism);

• arterial hypertension (high blood pressure);

• increased blood cholesterol levels;

• women who have had high blood sugar levels during pregnancy and those who have given birth to a baby weighing 4 kg or more;

• sedentary lifestyle. We must try to move more, have physical activity regularly;

• improper (excessively abundant and high-calorie) nutrition;

• heredity (in type XNUMX diabetes).

In addition, all people over 45 are at risk for diabetes. If at this age your blood sugar is normal, then a second study is carried out after three years.

To avoid becoming a victim of diabetes, moderate your intake of sweets and fatty high-calorie foods, add more vegetables to your diet. It is important to follow the diet, it should be rational and fractional, not chaotic. Monitor your weight and keep it within the normal range. In this case, it is not necessary to weigh yourself, it is enough to measure the waist circumference: the norm for women is no more than 80 cm, for men – no more than 94 cm.

As Academician Chazov, who lived a long, eventful life, once said: “Everything should be in moderation, one should not rush from one extreme to another, including in nutrition.”

The figures

Sugar standards: from 4,5 mmol / liter to 5,9 mmol / liter.

4 million people (recorded) in Russia suffer from diabetes mellitus.

More than 130 thousand residents of Nizhny Novgorod suffer from diabetes mellitus. According to experts, taking into account unaccounted diabetics (those who do not yet know about their disease, but they already have it), this figure will increase by 30-40%.

For 9 months of 2017, 147 patients with type 5 diabetes (hereditary) and more than XNUMX thousand with type XNUMX diabetes (acquired) were registered in Nizhny Novgorod.

On average, 10 years of life takes diabetes away from a person

If diabetes is caught at the very beginning of development and a person receives adequate treatment, he has every chance to live a long and quality life.

The advantage of early detection of diabetes mellitus is in a very simple and inexpensive way of diagnosis – you just need to check your blood sugar.

By the way, on November 3 and 4 in the MEGA shopping center there will be an action “I checked my blood sugar! And you?“, Where you can donate blood for sugar completely free of charge, learn everything about diabetes and methods of dealing with it, from doctors of the highest level. In addition, it will be possible to communicate with those who have been suffering from this ailment for more than one year and are ready to share their personal history.

Take this simple examination – and live in peace!

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