Why is black garlic so beneficial for your health?
We all like to take care of ourselves by eating well, and if we can also include ingredients in our diets that provide us with numerous benefits for our health, much better.
More and more foods that are presented to us as miraculous and full of benefits. Since some years, the seeds They took the leading role in meals, including them in all possible dishes: breakfasts, salads, seasoning vegetables, meats …
Nowadays, black garlic It is the one that captures our attention the most, and its benefits are more than demonstrated. It doesn’t taste like garlic, but you can use as a substitute for white garlic, and is added in sauces, stews, creams, Croquetassoups desserts… In short, for everything you can imagine. The origin of this garlic is the oriental cuisine, and its color is due to a natural processing by which the garlic (the white that we have always used) turns dark and its flavor becomes smoother and more balsamic.
Origin of black garlic
Black garlic, as we have mentioned, comes from oriental cuisine, specifically from Japan. Its origin is somewhat diffuse, and it exists a legend which tells how it was discovered by chance.
A Japanese scientist, who was looking for the way to reduce the odor and soften the taste of white garlic to be able to consume it without being unpleasant, he decided ahumarlo for a month. When he opened it, he realized that the color had changed and that the smell, the taste and even the texture, so characteristic of white garlic, had disappeared.
When tasting it, he was so delighted that he ordered to produce black garlic in huge quantities and sell them. This product was traveling throughout the East until it reached our homes.
Black garlic benefits
Something that makes black garlic special and that differentiates it, without a doubt, from white garlic, is not only that it does not have a spicy taste and that it does not smell bad, but that has twice as many antioxidants. In this way, it becomes your best ally for prevent diseases o protect you from infections.
Also, black garlic is a wonderful food that helps improve circulation, control blood pressure and regulate blood sugar. Likewise, its effect has been studied as bad cholesterol lowering, the level of lipids in the blood, and in a way, it helps to reduce the risk of cancer.
Thanks to its properties, black garlic is used as a diureticAs it can cleanse the kidneys, it is expectorant and helps with respiratory problems such as asthma. Is energizing, improves the activity of the prostate, regulates intestinal transit and improves digestion.
If you want to include black garlic in your diet, it is usually recommended that three cloves of this garlic be consumed in the morning, with breakfast. Thanks to its creamy texture, it can be used as a spread on toast. You can also include it in your hummus, to snack mid-morning.
So now you know, if you want to continue taking care of yourself and try new flavors to add to your meals, go ahead and try black garlic, you will love it!