Why is 40 minutes of exercise the optimal time to exercise?

If you train for just 40 minutes a day, you can achieve a great effect. The workout should not be too long, but you need to practice daily to achieve the result.

Many people, when they are going to play sports, try to correctly plan their weekly training schedule. And each of them wonders how much time per day should be devoted to training to achieve the optimal result.

There are different opinions on this matter:

  • Someone thinks that you need to train for at least an hour and a half a day, otherwise the muscle tone will not be maintained at a sufficient level and the load will not lead to the desired result.
  • Others, on the contrary, are of the opinion that training should be short and not performed every day, so as not to overload the muscles too much and prevent the occurrence of microtraumas and chronic overwork of the body.

Why is it okay to exercise 40 minutes a day?

If you dwell on the duration of a workout in the gym or on a treadmill, then 40 minutes a day will be enough. This is so for the following reasons:

  • Such a duration of the workout allows you to work out intensively and spend all the time of the workout doing exercises without distraction. This allows you to achieve greater effect and save time;
  • With a forty-minute workout, the athlete’s muscles do not receive too much stress, which minimizes the risk of injury;
  • For the heart, excessive loads are harmful, especially when it comes to an unprepared person who has just begun to actively train.

It must be remembered that a prerequisite for starting an intense workout is a warm-up. Before you give a serious load to your body, you need to prepare the muscles for this. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury.

A 10-minute warm-up increases overall muscle tone and makes it possible to understand if there are any physical reasons for not exercising that day. Suppose, during the warm-up, it may turn out that there are painful sensations, and therefore on this day you need to give yourself a rest.

But it’s important to remember to rest.

Even professional athletes, who have a lot of experience playing in serious tournaments, know that the body needs to be given a rest. Constant muscle wasting without reasonable self-restraint leads to debilitation and ultimately reduces the overall ability of the muscle structure to strengthen.

Try to put our recommendations into practice, work out forty minutes a day for a certain period, and you will see how effective these workouts will be for your muscles. The general tone of the body will increase, and well-being will be at a consistently high level. We wish you successful training and achievement of sports goals. The result depends on your efforts!

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