Why honey is dangerous for babies 

Why shouldn’t you give your baby honey?

As we know, children under one year old are particularly susceptible to infections, because their immune system is not quite ready to be defend against germs. This is why, during this first year, the rhinos, gastros, and various infections sometimes follow one another without respite. To boost the immune defenses of our children, we may be tempted to give them honey, because the virtues (real or supposed) of this food are often put forward. Honey would soften the throat, soothe the cough … and its sweet flavor often appeals to children. 

However, within a year, honey is forbidden to babiess. The ingestion of honey can indeed cause the infant botulism, a rare but serious disease. On its site, ANSES indicates “that it is absolutely not recommended to give honey to children under one year old. Thus, honey should never be added to the diet of infants, nor used on the finger to calm a restless infant, suffering from colic, etc. »Before a year, end the honey teats to calm baby’s crying!

What is infant botulism?

Le infant botulism is a rare disease, occurring in children under one year of age. Affecting the nervous system, this disease is caused by the spores of a bacterium contained in dust (Clostridium botulinium) and certain soils. Carried by bees, these spores can then contaminate honey, which remains the only identified source of dietary exposure to Clostridium botulinium. Once ingested, these bacteria will develop in the intestine, and produce there a toxin responsible for infant botulism. Before one year, the baby’s defenses are not efficient enough to allow him to eliminate the spores responsible for the disease on his own. 

Symptoms the most common of infant botulism are constipation, crying, general weakness.We can also find a lack of facial expression, a loss of control of the movements of the head, or even respiratory disorders. The appearance of these symptoms urgently requires medical treatment. 

If your baby under one year old has these symptoms and / or you think he has ingested honey, contact a doctor. 

From what age can you give honey to your child?

It is considered that it is from the age of one year that the intestinal system of the baby is sufficiently developed to eliminate by itself the botulinum toxin, responsible for infant botulism. As soon as he has blown out his first candle, there is no longer any danger: you can now give him honey, in all its forms. Your baby will then be able to fully enjoy the benefits of honey and its antibacterial properties. With measure all the same, because honey is very rich in sugar, which should not be in excess in the daily diet of children.

What if you have mistakenly fed your baby honey?

Honey can be found in many preparations (cookies, etc.). If you think you accidentally fed your baby honey, don’t be overly concerned. Monitor him well in the hours that follow. If you do not notice any of the symptoms of botulism (constipation, difficulty sucking or holding your head, poor general condition, etc.), you can be reassured. If these symptoms appear, contact your doctor promptly


  1. Na shayar da jaririna ruwan zuma tun a satin farko na haifa

  2. assalam. idan anbawa jariri zuman fa, Amman Babu wata alama Na wannan cuta. shin za a iya cigaba da bashi NE koh aa. nagode

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