Why ‘hip thrust’ is the exercise to increase glutes faster

Why ‘hip thrust’ is the exercise to increase glutes faster


Although it is an easy exercise, it is advisable to follow a series of guidelines so as not to make mistakes with posture

Why ‘hip thrust’ is the exercise to increase glutes faster

The increase and firmness of the buttocks is a task that can often seem impossible, but if you combine adequate physical exercise with a good diet, you will achieve an enviable rearguard. This is where we begin to talk about Hip Thrust, an exercise in hip lift that focuses on the back of the leg obtaining a great development in buttocks and hamstrings. «The results achieve both muscle development in size and toning. Also, if there is no medical diagnosis, this is a recommended exercise to implement in all your trainings, “explains Álex García, director of Fit Club Madrid.

How they are done

According to Álex García, this exercise is carried out lying on the floor with the legs bent and is carried out by bringing the hips upwards using the back chain of the leg. To have a greater range of execution of the exercise, he says, it is better to support the scapular area on a bench or ‘step’: “You can achieve greater intensity in training by placing some weight on the pelvis using dumbbells or discs. You can also do it using the multipower machine or the specific one from Hip Thrust ». On the other hand, Álex García warns that “the support points must be clear”, and for this it is necessary to distribute the weight correctly on the entire sole of each foot and keep the scapulae well supported on the ground. «Can be combined with squats and accompany it with hip abductions and gluteal kicks “, concludes the expert.

Antonio Ángel Moreno, creator of Radical Trainer, challenges everyone to do this exercise on one leg, for example on the sofa at home: «It is the best exercise to work the glutes. The way to do it at home is very simple because you only have to sit on the floor with your back on the sofa and put your arms behind your neck (never squeezing, just to help) and we lift our buttocks off the ground being in suspension, “he explains. Then you have to lift one leg and perform the corresponding repetitions raising and lowering the buttocks to the ground. “Once the repetitions are finished, we do the same with the other leg,” he encourages everyone.

Errors to avoid

Although it is a simple exercise, at least visually, we must pay attention to our body because we can make a series of mistakes that, in addition to hurting us, would prevent us from obtaining the benefits:

– Feet close to the buttocks. Apparently when the feet are separated from the glutes, the hamstrings take over.

– Arch your back. Throughout the exercise, the trunk should be as stiff as a board. Remember that a reinforced core not only helps to strengthen the glutes, but also to keep stress off the lower back.

– Raising the hips too much. One of the most important parts of the hip thrust is squeezing your glutes well at the top. Although many people get too excited and push the hips too high, arching the spine too much, which can be discomforting in the lower back.

– moving too fast. Moving at lightning speed doesn’t help you reap the benefits this exercise has to offer. On the other hand, if you slow down, your glutes are in tension.

– Drop your knees. Keeping your knees in place, preferably at a 90 degree angle, is essential to really activate and strengthen your butt.

Therefore, doing this exercise in a gym or at home, with the help of a bench or an armchair, guarantees to improve the state of the buttocks and advance strength.

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