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Sex is an integral part of our life. But very often people do this not at all for the sake of procreation, and not only for pleasure, but also for other, very human, motives. What are the true reasons for intimacy?
Desire for intimacy
We are worried about disconnectedness, stress, and a sense of aimlessness. And there are times when you just want to hide from anxiety. Take refuge in a warm and loving embrace. It would seem, what does sex have to do with it? Alas, we are also often separated from our partner by a wall of resentment and disappointment. The joint experience of passionate moments brings us together for a short time, gives the desired hugs and the feeling that we are not alone in the world.
Declaration of good intentions
Sometimes we apologize – and we are forgiven, or a partner will do something good for us – and we are sincerely grateful to him. In this case, sex symbolizes the onset of consent and consolidates it. It’s like going to a restaurant after making a deal.
I’m afraid to lose him
This fear comes from childhood. Until a certain age, a baby without a mother simply will not survive. Falling in love, we transfer these feelings to a partner: it seems to us that without him our life would be meaningless, if not impossible.
Alas, attraction is a fragile substance. Uncertainty hidden under the mask of passion can kill any desire. And if we talk in this plane, the best way to keep a man is to learn how to get sincere pleasure from sex with him.
I want to please him
We often hear that love should be giving. The main thing is that it should be a gift, a voluntary step towards. In this case, we have the opportunity to “get involved” in the process and get pleasure together.
Feel attractive
This is an unconditionally “feminine” motive. To be desired, to enchant and conquer – such is the nature of a woman. It is the admiration and desire of a man that feeds our own sexuality, and we flare up in response. And greedy hands and burning eyes will tell us about the feelings of a partner much more than his words.
Let’s not forget that all these motives cannot substitute for the main thing – a simple and natural attraction. And if it is often not there, then you should think about it. How strong is your relationship, can you fully rely on your partner?
A decrease in desire may also be a reaction of the body to hormonal contraceptives. If you are not planning to have children in the next 2-3 years, discuss long-term intrauterine contraception with your gynecologist. It can be a metal-containing coil or a hormonal system. A coil based on a copper thread is quite reliable, but slightly increases the risk of an ectopic pregnancy.
The hormonal system acts locally and does not affect the hormonal background, while ensuring 99,98% reliability and prevention of a number of “female” diseases. Both the spiral and the system are installed for up to 5 years. During this time, you can forget about protection and enjoy sex from the heart without worrying about anything.