Why hands quickly go numb: reasons
Each of us at least once experienced unpleasant sensations from the fact that our arms or legs are numb. It is enough to stay in an unsuccessful position for only 20-30 minutes – and now you cannot move your brush or fingers. Sometimes hand numbness is associated with the presence of certain diseases. So why do we experience limb numbness and how to deal with it?
If your hands become numb on a regular basis, see a doctor immediately!
Why hands are numb: causes of numbness
The main reason that hands quickly become numb is poor circulation in the limbs. Often, after a change in posture, blood circulation returns to normal. If the numbness recurs periodically, regardless of the convenience of the posture, it is worth checking for:
- heart disease;
- atherosclerosis;
- pinched nerve in the wrist area;
- neuralgia of the shoulder or elbow joints;
- osteochondrosis.
When hands are constantly numb and angina pectoris is observed, these are symptoms of a pre-stroke or pre-infarction state. In some cases, a lack of vitamin B12 negatively affects nervous sensitivity, provoking numbness in different parts of the body.
If your hands are numb, how to deal with the numbness?
Treatment with folk or medication is ineffective if the root cause of regular numbness of the extremities is not identified. Therefore, it makes sense to consult a doctor, observing the following sequence.
- The therapist will collect a general history and advise you to take the first simple tests to exclude diabetes mellitus and other diseases.
- The cardiologist will conduct a series of tests to make sure that there are no serious heart and circulatory system diseases.
- The neurologist will most likely explain to the patient why the hands are numb: often it is the pinching of the nerve endings that leads to the numbness of the hands and fingers.
After determining the source of all problems, an individual treatment program is prescribed: for diabetes mellitus – a special diet, for osteochondrosis or pinching – massage and therapeutic exercises, for cardiac disorders – taking medications and other therapeutic measures.
If the cause of numbness in the limbs is a chronic illness, tune in to a long and systematic recovery program. Don’t expect quick results.
The main preventive measure in the fight against edema and numbness is a healthy lifestyle: regular gymnastics, rejection of alcohol and nicotine, daily walks in the fresh air, a balanced diet that will satisfy the body’s needs for all vitamins and minerals.
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