Grinding your teeth in a dream is not just an unpleasant habit, but a serious problem that must be eliminated as soon as possible.
Grinding your teeth in a dream rob you of your Hollywood smile
It is believed that between 1% and 3% of the world’s population suffer from bruxism, that is, they grind their teeth in their sleep. It would seem that, apart from the inconvenience for those sleeping nearby, this ailment does not entail dangerous consequences. Alas, not everything is so simple. If bruxism bothers a person for a long time, tooth enamel suffers. From constant friction, the protective shell of the tooth is erased, the risk of caries increases. Dentists are aware of cases when “amateurs” to grind their teeth grinded the incisors at the root. Moreover, from constant load, teeth literally loosen, which means that there is a risk of their loss.
Another consequence of bruxism is the constant tension of the chewing muscles, accompanied by spasms and pain.
In order to fight bruxism, you must first determine the causes of this phenomenon. Even doctors cannot categorically answer the question “Why do they grind their teeth in their sleep?” The generally accepted point of view associates bruxism with an unstable psychological state. They say clenching your teeth is a natural reaction of the body to stress. When stress becomes your constant companions, you cannot relax even in sleep, you cannot cope with nervous tension. Those who grit their teeth for this reason, often note in the morning weakness, a feeling of weakness, headache and other “delights” of a sleepless night.
Stress prevents you from getting adequate rest at night.
If someone grinds his teeth in a dream, the reason may be hidden in various anomalies in the structure of the jaw. These include the wrong bite or the presence of teeth “above the norm”. This is, so to speak, the most favorable scenario: the dentist will solve all these problems, and you will get rid of the night squeak. There is also an opinion that gritting teeth is an atavism, allegedly, our ancestors grinded their teeth in such a simple way. But there is no scientific confirmation of this opinion.
The doctor may prescribe you a special mouth guard that is worn at night and protects your teeth from abrasion.
Until now, many people believe: a child grinds his teeth in a dream – it means that he has worms. The following explanation can be found on the network: in the presence of parasites, the human body suffers from excessive salivation, which, in turn, causes unconscious chewing movements. However, this is a myth. Nevertheless, having discovered such an unpleasant feature as a nightly grinding of your teeth, you should definitely consult a doctor: only together with a specialist can you establish the cause of this ailment and choose the optimal treatment.