Why go to local farmers markets? 5 unexpected reasons

During the height of summer, more and more farmers, local agricultural businesses and other producers are offering fresh seasonal produce that can be bought just around the corner. Of course, it is much more convenient to take everything you need at once in the supermarket, but this way you miss out on a lot of advantages that local markets provide. For example, you’ve probably heard that seasonal produce grown in your lane contains more nutrients. What else do you get by walking through the farmers’ market?

1. Diversify your diet

Major grocery stores often offer the same produce year-round regardless of seasonal variations, while local farmers’ markets offer a variety of fresh fruit to match the season. This gives you the opportunity to taste fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs rare for supermarkets, such as gooseberries and red currants, garlic arrows and rhubarb, squash and radish. And along with them, your body will receive a wider range of nutrients.

2. Hear fascinating and rewarding stories


Farmers know a lot about what they are selling and are willing to share their experience on how to get a good harvest, how to cook dishes from these fruits or preserve them.

3. Find safer foods

Compared to “anonymous” supermarket producers for consumers, farmers from local markets are more closely connected with their customers, which means they are more responsible in growing crops. In addition, these products spend less time on the road, which reduces the likelihood of contamination during transport.

4. Support small farms

If you are a regular in local markets, be sure that you are supporting many small and family businesses, which means that you and others have access to a variety of seasonal products. For farmers, this support is very important given the significant risks associated with agriculture. By trading in the market, the farmer avoids intermediaries and marketing costs, receiving a fair wage for his labor, which in turn often makes the product cheaper for the buyer.

5. Help improve the environment

Local farms protect crop diversity and are less damaging to the environment because they require little fuel and energy to transport food and often lack packaging.

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