Why getting out of your comfort zone is the only way to develop a successful person

Personally for myself, I realized that it is very difficult, but simply vital. Stepping out of your comfort zone can change your life for the better. This is the very ugly frog that you need to “eat” first of all, and only then take on all the other things that were recorded in the diary. It is not in vain that all successful world speakers say with one voice that leaving the comfort zone is the only way to develop. That is where miracles happen.

After all, even the smallest inconvenience caused by the fact that a person has stepped over the border of personal comfort has a positive impact on his life. Of course, few people at first, in a state of internal anxiety, insecurity, and other things, see good changes, but this is a clear sign that the personality is on the path of its development. I myself had to make sure of this, and I cannot but share the experience I got with people.

We and Uncertainty

Undoubtedly, there is nothing terrifying in the routine tasks that we perform daily: we know what to expect from one or another of our actions, what the result will be. But, when we do not know what to expect, when uncertainty covers us, you must admit that cats start to scrape at heart.

A vivid example of this: you decided to change your job and tomorrow you need to join a new team. Is it true that this thought spoils the mood a little, making it more unsettling? What can we say, but the human psyche is tripled in such a way that everything that we attribute to the unknown will make us be on our guard.

In psychology, this is explained by the fact that:

A person considers safe only those situations that have long been familiar to him.

That is why many still do not dare to try something new, to radically change their lifestyle, habits, which, perhaps, could lead them to success.

Step outside your comfort zone — yes or no?

Why getting out of your comfort zone is the only way to develop a successful person

To be or not to be? To go out or stay in the environment familiar to us is the eternal dilemma of many. For a long time, I could not understand whether life really begins where the comfort zone ends.

After all, it seemed that my old life suited me, but as soon as I started doing things that were not typical for me, visited new places, met new people, I understood how I was changing, how self-esteem was changing for the better every day, I understood that personally growth, moving forward.

Of course, at first, all these changes carried a small amount of stress, but it is not capable of harm, if only it is present in life in a small amount. Otherwise, excessive stress can bring with it a panic state.

Expansion of the comfort zone and self-development

What does it mean: without leaving the comfort zone there is no self-development? As it turned out, not only a positive attitude, purposefulness and self-confidence, but also a little anxiety leads to personal growth.

After all, even the slightest inconvenience and discomfort can push a person. For example, to better cope with their duties or to improve the quality of the performance of a particular job. Thus, we unconsciously improve our skills, engage in self-development, move forward and do not stand still.

Is it really necessary?

Surely in the life of each of us there are such acquaintances who have long been absorbed in the cycle of life called “home-work-home-work”. It is possible that the habits, daily routine, and the actions of such people can be easily predicted. As for their family relationships, they have become a continuous routine, where former feelings have long been lost.

I am by no means trying to condemn them, but something tells me that they are behaving a little wrong. And the mistake of such people is that they are stuck in a comfort zone from which they do not even think of looking for a way out. They are satisfied with the fact that the days have turned into something unified, and relationships with loved ones have become some kind of obligation. And this once again proves why you need to look for the path of your own development and, therefore, cross the boundaries of the personal comfort zone.

After all, it is possible that such people previously sought to learn something new, developed, expanded the range of their interests, and sought to become a professional in their field. They obviously struggled to change the landscape before their eyes as often as possible, and therefore, at the first opportunity, they left the city, organized picnics, trips with friends to a neighboring city, and simply recognized their city using previously unexplored routes.

But, as soon as they got into the comfort zone, every year its abyss tightened them more and more. As a result, we get an unwillingness to move forward, to do something in order to change our life, to bring something new into it. Unfortunately, now few people understand that the comfort zone is good for the time being, but this does not take away its true essence. It is a psychological trap that many fall into.

The right way out of your comfort zone

Why getting out of your comfort zone is the only way to develop a successful person

The realization that something needs to be changed in life is already a small victory. Now we need not only to reason and philosophize, but also to take action, to translate our plans into reality. I would like to briefly mention the rules for leaving the comfort zone, and in my next article you will learn in detail about the main methods for getting out of it.

So, rule №1 says: change must begin right now, this minute, or even second. Never put things off until later. There will never be a perfect day of the week, month, time of year in order to carry out the plan. This ideal must begin with our inner world. Remember that the ideal place and time for change is here and now, so get started!

Rule № 2 regarding the agenda. Even the brilliant John Kehoe once wrote: “If you want variety and get rid of the ordinary. Just rearrange what you do every day, reconsider your daily routine. This is what you have to do. Of course, such changes, however small, will cause a feeling of discomfort, but this is a clear sign that you are leaving your comfort zone. Bring something new and most importantly useful into your day. So, it could be a little morning jog or reading a personal development book before bed.

Rule № 3 refers to appearance. It sounds, of course, a little implausible, but in fact, having changed our appearance, changing our image, we are already taking the first steps towards leaving the comfort zone, on the way to self-development.

Rule № 4 prompts you to change your usual environment. If it’s still hard for you to change your hated job, then it’s time to change your place of rest. TV is not the best alternative. So, you can go to the cinema, but even better is to organize a walk around your favorite city. It’s time to remember a hobby that has long been abandoned, sign up for courses.

If you are interested, I can recommend reading a previously published article, I think that it will perfectly complement everything described above. Here is the link: “9 best ways of self-development to radically improve your life”


That’s all. Thanks for being with me. On my blog you will find many more interesting articles that contribute to personal development. And by subscribing to its updates, you will never miss the latest information. See you soon and don’t forget to get out of your comfort zone more often!

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