Lack of oxygen is a signal that malfunctions have occurred in the body.
October 27 2019
Neurologist at the Semeynaya clinic
– Sometimes drowsiness becomes so pronounced that it interferes with work. In severe cases, a person falls asleep right during a conversation or at the workplace. The most common cause is not getting enough sleep at night. We try to fight sleepiness by drinking a lot of coffee. But gradually the body stops responding to caffeine. The hormones that activate the body (norepinephrine, adrenaline) simply do not have time to be produced in response to stimulation, and the effect of coffee disappears. The most reasonable thing in this situation is to get enough sleep at night.
Safe signals
Drowsiness often occurs in a stuffy room. It is caused by a lack of oxygen, which is necessary for the brain to function. Ventilate the room or go outside for some fresh air.
It is not for nothing that siesta exists in some countries. After a hearty meal, increased blood flow to the stomach and intestines begins to digest large amounts of food. There is not enough blood for the brain, the blood supply is deteriorating, hence the drowsiness. Do not overeat, eat small meals, but often.
Short daylight hours affect the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Those who feel a decline in mood and drowsiness in bad weather are recommended to visit a solarium or brightly illuminate the premises in winter.
In winter, you often want to sleep and due to a lack of vitamins, this problem can be solved by taking mineral complexes.
It’s time to see a doctor
Drowsiness and lethargy can be a sign of physical illness. If this condition accompanies you constantly, it is better to see a specialist.
Anemia, she is a small cow. Iron deficiency in the body leads to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which carries oxygen to the cells of all organs, including the brain. So drowsiness with a lack of iron is inevitable. In addition to it, you may be worried about weakness, dizziness, hair loss. Get a blood test and talk to your doctor about taking iron supplements
Sleep apnea. With this disease, a person snores at night. But unlike normal snoring, sleep apnea, along with snoring during breathing, are pauses, after which breathing is restored again. The cause is diseases that cause narrowing of the airways: hypertrophy of the tonsils, obesity, muscle diseases, accompanied by their weakness. There is a violation of the supply of oxygen to the brain during respiratory arrest. The work of the brain is disrupted due to a lack of oxygen, during the day such people have drowsiness, headaches, and blood pressure rises. Sleep apnea is a very dangerous disease with a high risk of sudden death. So, if you or any of your relatives have pauses in breathing during sleep, you need to urgently consult a neurologist to prescribe treatment.
Hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and help to be energetic. With their lack – hypothyroidism – metabolic processes slow down. In addition to drowsiness in this case, dry skin, weight gain with reduced appetite, and menstrual irregularities can be disturbing. A blood test for thyroid hormones will help to identify the ailment. It is performed after consulting an endocrinologist.
Hypotension. With a strong decrease in pressure, the blood supply to the brain decreases, there is a lack of oxygen. It is as if you are sitting in a stuffy room, although in fact there may be plenty of air in the room. Measure the pressure: if it is below normal, consult a physician.
Comfortable sleep
The natural position of the body during sleep suggests that the head is low enough for the brain to be supplied with blood. Get rid of the huge pillow immediately because it is bad for your head and back.
For those with back pain, experts recommend sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees. This will help stabilize the spine and relieve pressure from the hips and lower back.
Place a small, firm pillow under your belly and thighs to relieve stress on your neck and lumbar back. Just arrange it as you like, on the same side where the bent leg is turned, and you can sleep on your stomach without risk to health.