Why Fortitude Helps You Succeed: 7 Reasons

Being strong means being able to control your thoughts, behavior and emotions. This is what allows us not to stray on the way to our goal and achieve success.

We all have the power of the spirit … to one degree or another. It can and should be developed. It is necessary if you want to succeed in life, because the strength of the spirit:

1. Disarms your inner critic

Whatever your ambitious plans are: to run a marathon or double your income, at some point you will most likely experience uncertainty: do I really need it, but can I manage it? Self-doubt is quite natural for anyone who wants to achieve something. But if your spirit is strong, it will be easier for you to defeat the whining inner critic and you will move towards the goal much more confidently.

2. Strengthens motivation

We persevere towards our goal when we are truly motivated. But motivation is unstable: it either gets stronger or weakens. The strength of the spirit helps you not to deviate from what was planned, even when the goal ceases to seem inspiring. It gives you access to resources when you are exhausted, despondent and ready to cowardly give up your claims.

3. Helps to ignore unwanted advisers

Whether the opinion of a person is important to you or, on the contrary, you do not agree with him – in any case, the assessments of other people can sometimes discourage you. Fortitude will help you distance yourself both from those who are unfairly critical of us and from those who impose their inappropriate advice on you. You will stick to your values ​​and will be able to make decisions that you think are right without hesitation, regardless of the feedback that others give you.

4. Allows you to learn from your mistakes

It is equally pointless not to notice one’s mistakes or, conversely, to repent of them. This only increases the chances that you will repeat them again. A strong person calmly accepts responsibility for their actions and is therefore able to learn from mistakes. Each lesson you learn takes you one step closer to your goal.

5. Gives you the courage to face your fear

Getting out of your comfort zone is always difficult, but with the strength of your spirit you will be able to face your fears. When you feel strong, you know that you can overcome your anxiety and move forward despite the stress.

6. Turns defeat into victory

For many people, failure makes them give up. A strong person is able to rise after each fall and act even more effectively than before. A sufficiently high self-esteem helps such people not be afraid of ridicule even with repeated failures, and failures become a springboard for success.

7. Allows you to control your emotions

The road to success is never smooth. If you don’t know how to manage your emotions, it will be difficult for you to resist temptation and, if necessary, take calculated risks. It will take strength of mind so that emotions do not cloud your mind and lead you astray.

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