Why empty bottles are removed from the table

Putting empty bottles under the table is a purely Russian tradition. This superstition astonishes foreigners no less than the habit of sitting down before a long journey or of course giving an odd number of flowers. Many people remove empty containers from wine and spirits automatically, without even thinking about the meaning of the belief. It’s time to figure out why empty bottles can not be put on the table.

Where did superstition come from?

One of the most popular versions is connected with the Patriotic War of 1812. The final act of hostilities in 1814 was the capture of Paris by the allied forces. One of the first to enter the capital of France was the Life Guards Cossack regiment, which was the personal guard of the Russian Emperor Alexander I. The highest order was ordered not to cause any trouble to the locals, so after a few days the city lived its normal life – the post office, banks, institutions worked , cafes and restaurants.

In their free time, the Cossacks became regulars in Parisian taverns. At that time, wine was served to the table on demand, and you had to pay for food and drinks at the end of the meal. Garsons counted the empty containers and added the cost of the drink to the bill. One of the Cossacks came up with the idea to hide some of the dishes under the table and thus save money. Therefore, the belief that empty containers on the table lead to a decrease in the amount of money has a practical basis.

According to one legend, the hussars never put empty bottles on the table. It was believed that this could lead to the death of one of those present in battle, and the company would never again gather at the table in the same composition. Such a sign is still common among the military.

Another explanation for habit is mystical. Popular belief says that an empty bottle left next to food attracts evil spirits that can enter the container, make the food “unclean” and bring trouble to the owners of the house.

Another popular version of why you need to immediately clean up the vacant dishes is that emptiness in any form “dares” prosperity from the house. For the same reason, cups and glasses left overnight are turned upside down by superstitious people.

Why empty bottles are removed from the table
Empty beer cans are also cleared from the table.

The Practical Meaning of Tradition

The habit of quickly removing empty dishes from the table is directly related to the customs of hospitality. The hospitable hostess seeks to replace empty dishes and bottles with a new treat. The presence of an empty container on the table looks sloppy, and guests may consider this fact a hidden sign that it is time to end the feast. The tradition also has a purely practical meaning. Empty containers fall easily, so the bottles are removed to keep food and drinks still on the table safe.

PS According to statistics, about half of Russians believe in omens. The Orthodox Church has a negative attitude towards superstitions of any kind. Priests categorically advise against attaching mystical significance to various unimportant events in life and making favorable or unfortunate forecasts based on them.

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