Why are dust mites dangerous and how to deal with them? We deal with an allergist-immunologist and an infectious disease specialist.
Dust is every housewife’s worst enemy. One has only to do a general cleaning, as a day later a gray bloom appears on the bookshelves. It is impossible to get rid of annoying dust particles forever, because they contain a large number of human skin cells, dust mites, as well as tiny particles of pollen, minerals, mold, bacterial spores and a number of toxic substances that enter the house from the street. Of all of the above, it is dust mites that are most alarming. The fact that small creatures live in all apartments was first mentioned by Japanese and Dutch scientists in the mid-60s. They examined samples of house dust. Today, zoologists are aware of over 150 species of ticks. The most common so-called pyroglyph mites, this type also include barn mites that have settled in the kitchen. They are especially attracted by containers in which housewives store flour and grain. It is cozy and warm for ticks and in bedrooms, especially in pillows, bedspreads, blankets and mattresses. According to legend, ticks moved to the human house from bird nests, so they are especially partial to things that contain down, wool and feathers. Ticks feel uncomfortable in a room where the air temperature is below 22 ° C, and the humidity is only 40%. To ensure such weather in the house, it is worth adding regular airing to the wet cleaning. Even if frost is raging outside the window, be sure to open the window for at least 5 minutes to let clean, fresh air into the room. Doctors also advise using steam cleaners, air cleaners are good at dealing with dust. Dust mites hate cold and sun rays. The methods of our grandmothers, who hung mattresses in yards in winter and summer, are still relevant today.
Dust mites can only be viewed under a microscope. The size of these arachnids is only 0,1 millimeters. “A gram of dust can contain up to 10 individuals,” says allergist-immunologist Tatyana Klimova. – Already 000 mites can cause allergies or asthmatic attacks (I want to emphasize that there is no allergy to dust, the culprits of this disease are mites). And the norm is when there are only 500 mites per gram of dust ”.
Usually, an allergic reaction to dust mites is manifested by skin redness or chronic rhinitis. “If a runny nose does not go away for more than a week,” warns Tatyana Klimova, “while there are no other symptoms of a cold, then at least a general blood test should be taken. An increased level of eosinophils indicates an allergic reaction. Further, an analysis is already prescribed for immunoglobulins E and G, the indicators of which make it possible to understand what caused the allergic reaction. These can be dust mites, animal hair, food, etc. Skin tests will help to calculate a specific substance. ” Allergists all over the world call ticks dangerous monsters, cohabitation with which can lead to bronchial asthma, conjunctivitis, Quincke’s edema and other diseases.
Ticks feel uncomfortable in a room where the air temperature is below 22 ° C, and the humidity is only 40%
It is clear that it is impossible to drive out uninvited guests, but it is necessary to deal with dust mites. First you need to find out where small pests most often live.
Woolen carpets and duvets, rugs
The first step is to conduct an audit in the house and get rid of grandmother’s woolen carpets, without regret to part with duvets and pillows. It is advisable to throw away upholstered furniture with fabric covers. If you suffer from allergies, it is better to choose sofas, armchairs and beds made of leather, leatherette or polyethylene. Also, when buying pillows and blankets, you will need to carefully study the composition of the fillers. From natural ones, bamboo and buckwheat husks are suitable, from synthetic ones – holofiber, synthetic winterizer or silicone.
Stuffed Toys
You will also need to part with them, because any soft toy, even if it is a teddy bear loved since childhood, attracts dust like a magnet, which means that dust mites will start.
Another favorite place for dust mites is the curtains, which are usually washed only four times a year by housewives, on major holidays. When removing curtains for washing, do not forget to wipe off dust and baguettes.
It is best to change your bedding at least every 7-10 days, and wash it at temperatures above 58 ° C. Then dust mites simply won’t have a chance to settle in your sheets.
Reading lovers should keep in mind that dust mites are perfectly located in paper books, so it is better to keep all home literature in closed cabinets and be sure to periodically wipe the volumes and shelves with a napkin.
Potted plants
The more green oases in the room, the more dust mites in the apartment. Wet soil is an excellent breeding ground for mites, yes, if you do not wipe dust from the leaves, then another home for parasites can form. If you suffer from allergies, but cannot imagine life without greenery, then choose plants that purify the air. For example, spathiphyllum or dracaena.
House for pets
The sleeping area of our smaller brothers is the perfect dwelling for dust mites. Furry friends need special care. In an apartment where pets live, it is better to remove all carpets and rugs. Also, the bedroom should be a forbidden room for your cat or dog. Keep animals out of bed. By the way, pets are also allergic to dust mites. This disease manifests itself in the same way as in humans: irritation on the skin, severe itching.
Wet cleaning cannot be neglected, because it is the main weapon in the fight against parasites. It is necessary to wash floors and baseboards, wipe dust with wet wipes from shelves and window sills at least once a week. Vacuuming is also necessary! But it is better to use a special washing vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter. It is not enough to put things in order only in conspicuous places, do not forget about hard-to-reach ones (under a cupboard, sofa, refrigerator, etc.), there is always a lot of small debris, which must also be disposed of. In general, you should try to avoid clutter. Scattered things are a paradise for ticks. Order and minimalism are something that dust mites strongly dislike. Store jewelry in boxes, papers and documents in drawers. It is also better to refuse various interior things in the form of decorative pillows, vases and figurines. No wonder they are called dust collectors! Remember the basic rule: the fewer things in the apartment, the cleaner.
Currently, there are special sprays and suspensions to combat dust mites. Similar means, which usually include an acaricidal additive, are used to treat not only upholstered furniture and carpets, but even toys and bedding. “They kill ticks with folk remedies,” said infectious disease specialist Sergei Nyukhin. – The most effective and simple recipe for preparing a solution, when 200 grams of salt is diluted in one liter of water. Tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil helps to get rid of mites. Two teaspoons of oil per 400 ml of water will be enough. The resulting product should be used to wipe furniture and carpets. Mites hate food-grade diatomaceous earth (or ciliated earth), it is a fine powder that is made from the fossilized remains of aquatic organisms. Kieselguhr is sprinkled on the favorite places of dust mites: beds, mattresses, furniture, etc., left for a couple of hours, and then removed with a vacuum cleaner.
Yulia Evteeva, Irina Solomatina