Why dry shampoo is needed and how to use it correctly

Shampooing without water sounds like an oxymoron, but it’s actually quite real, and dry shampoo can help. The main thing is to know how to apply it correctly, and choose the one that suits your hair.

It is difficult to overestimate the advantages of dry shampoo: thanks to it, you can lie in bed longer in the morning, give your hair volume, and your hairdo – durability. There are also conditional disadvantages – for example, the use of this product cannot be considered a replacement for a full head wash, since it will not cleanse the skin and hair of city dust and styling products, but only visually make the strands fresher and cleaner and get rid of possible smell.

Nevertheless, the benefits of dry shampoo in time trouble will be appreciated by many – it’s always nice to freshen up before an important meeting, after a long trip or flight.

The principle of operation of dry shampoo is extremely simple: it contains a powder of very fine grinding, the task of which is to absorb excess sebum. Most often, this powder is added to an aerosol spray, but there are also options in the form of a dry agent in a jar, which is applied as a powder – it is easier to overdo it, so skill may be required. But such funds are more environmentally friendly and are spent much more slowly.

Absorbent powders are also different: talc, rice or other starch, silicate powder are most common.

The hair will be more obedient, will not stand out from the styling, and the hairstyle will be a little more dense and voluminous

Using dry shampoos is also nowhere easier: you need to apply the product on the hair closer to the roots, shake the strands, wait a few minutes, comb thoroughly with a brush or fingers – and enjoy a noticeably refreshed hair. Most resort to “dry shampooing” only when they need to urgently clean themselves up, but this is far from the only situation where dry shampoo can be useful.

For example, if you apply the product to freshly styled hair, the styling will last longer, the volume will be more magnificent, and the next wash will be postponed for a couple of days. This is especially true for owners of oily scalp and dry hair ends – you don’t go long with an unwashed head, and from frequent washing your hair deteriorates and dries even more.

Those whom nature has awarded with thin hair also have something to love dry shampoos for: thanks to these products, the hair will become a little tougher and thicker and will not “stick” to the head, depriving any hope of a voluminous hairstyle. This property of slightly thickening the hair is useful for those who like to make buns or braids – the hair will be more obedient, will not stand out from the styling, and the hairstyle will be a little more dense and voluminous.

There is a misconception that dry shampoo is only suitable for fair-haired people, but is noticeable on dark hair. Indeed, this may be the case with some shampoos that use a white absorbent, but there are many other options on the market, with clear or dark powder.

Another concern is that this remedy can dry the scalp and cause unpleasant itching. In this case, you should choose dry shampoos with natural starch as an absorbent. And, of course, do not overdo it: after all, this tool will not replace full-fledged hair and scalp care.

Dry shampoo for dark hair with oat milk Dry Shampoo with Oat Milk, Klorane

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