Why dream of gold
Why is gold dreaming, does this mean an approaching opportunity to get rich? Consider the interpretation of dreams about gold in the most popular dream books

Gold in Vanga’s dream book

Clairvoyant Vanga did not expect anything good from gold, one temptation. Her dream book understands gold in a dream as the approach of trouble. And you create them yourself – simply because you are trying to control everything and everything, but you should not do this. Excessive craving for power is not good! Learn to give in, otherwise it will all end badly.

Gold in Miller’s dream book

Miller highly valued wealth and the opportunities associated with it. Therefore, the interpretation of dreams about gold according to Miller is as follows: did you see a precious metal in a dream? You will be successful in all endeavors. Especially good for a girl. If jewelry is given to her in a dream, it means that a rich groom will appear in reality. True, such a person, as a rule, has one peculiarity – he himself is looking for profit in everything, which means that he is not disinterested with you.

Much better to rely on yourself. For example, they saw in a dream a gold mine from which you can literally scoop gold or found a nugget, jewelry – wealth and career growth await you, you can be entrusted with serious work. Much more dangerous, according to Miller, is washing gold at the mine. The way it is. Why dream of gold in this case? In his opinion, to the fact that you can not resist the desire to get someone else’s. In addition, your intrigues in an effort to get what does not belong to you are likely to open. And shame awaits you.

Gold in Freud’s dream book

Psychoanalyst Freud is sure: everything is because of the relationship! We look at the dream book – gold, like any jewelry made from it, speaks of the desire for happy changes in life. Moreover, you set goals together with your loved one. And, therefore, according to Freud, why dream of gold? To goodness, to joy, to love. And it does not matter which of the two – a man or a woman – had such a dream.

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Gold in the dream book of Nostradamus

What does Nostradamus think? What is his interpretation of dreams about gold? So, you are walking along the road and you see a golden pendant. Or a bracelet. Found gold – to the good news. But if in a dream you lost an earring or a ring, you risk missing out on opportunities. Pull yourself together, be persistent and decisive at work. Did you get a piece of jewelry as a gift? If you are happy with this, peace and tranquility will come to the family, and if the present caused concern, be careful, someone is making plans to interfere with your well-being.

Gold in Loff’s dream book

Loff takes gold seriously. If you see a dream in which you buy precious metal, you will be richer in reality. Or there will be an opportunity to demonstrate their power. But the interpretation of dreams about gold according to Loff suggests that, first of all, you must decide what is behind the gold itself – an ingot or jewelry or object. Was it given to you, did you conquer it, or did you accidentally discover it? How do you use it? Are you happy and do you need it? From the answers to these questions comes the dream book in the question about gold and power. Gold is strength, light, joy and prosperity. Therefore, according to the dream book, gold is good.

Gold in Tsvetkov’s dream book

The psychologist advises to be extremely careful with gold, remembering that its brilliance is dangerous and deceptive. The interpretation of dreams about gold in his interpretation makes you think. So, if you are given jewelry, it may happen that this person is telling you a lie. If in a dream you look at gold jewelry on yourself – beware of impulsive decisions, you have to pay dearly for them. And if you find an earring or ring lost by someone – to failure in your endeavors.

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