- Food in the dream book of Astromeridian
- Food in the Wanderer’s dream book
- Food in Danilova’s dream book
- Food in Freud’s dream book
- Food in Furtsev’s dream book
- Food in Rick Dylan’s dream book
- Food in Stepanova’s dream book
- Food in Miller’s dream book
- Food in Vanga’s dream book
- Food in the dream book of Arnold Mindell
- Expert Commentary
- Popular questions and answers
Even the most inconspicuous and seemingly unimportant detail in a dream can become a key and radically change the meaning of a dream. General interpretations give only a vector of analysis. For example, a large amount of food may indicate that a serious conflict situation will soon arise in life. But exceptionally tasty food on the table predicts a joyful, auspicious event. As you can see, everything is individual. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the interpretations of the most popular dream books and find out what food is dreaming of.
Food in the dream book of Astromeridian
If in a dream you see a set table with food, this is a favorable sign. Such a dream predicts an important meeting soon, which can happen both at an event and on the street, in a store. Also, such a dream can talk about new interesting acquaintances and exciting communication.
If you dream of a table with a lot of food, then a conflict may loom on the horizon. In addition, you may soon have to choose which side you are on, especially if it concerns your inner circle.
Food inherent in different cuisines of the world often speaks of the dreamer’s personal preferences. For example, if you dream of French or Italian cuisine, this may indicate your interest in these cultures, countries in real life.
A dream about delicious food is a harbinger of the fact that soon there will be many pleasant guests in your house. But if you dream about how you cook food – this, on the contrary, can talk about possible troubles.
If in a dream you eat tasteless food, you probably have an internal resentment. It can also speak of disappointment, which will soon overtake you or your loved ones.
Do you dream that food is sorely lacking? This dream book interprets this as a lack of vitamins in the body.
Food in the Wanderer’s dream book
Food according to the Wanderer’s dream book means that soon you will gain new valuable experience, gain vitality and energy that will help you cope with your tasks and solve all problems and difficulties both at work and in your personal life.
If you dream of food on the table, such a dream is interpreted depending on the overall picture. For example, if the table is full of goodies, then your business will go well. If the meal is meager or tasteless, difficulties and problems may arise.
If you cook food, it symbolizes trouble. They will be especially serious if you fry it. Eat in a dream – to disappointments and obstacles that can overtake. Eating with greed speaks of annoying delays and dissatisfaction.
Food in Danilova’s dream book
Seeing delicious food in a dream means being completely satisfied with your current life. If you dream of spoiled or foul-smelling food, this may indicate an upcoming unpleasant communication with ill-wishers.
If you dream of a meager table with food, you are probably very unsatisfied with your personal or work relationships. In a dream, you share food with other people – it means that soon new ways of solving problems will open for you. Perhaps career advancement and good luck in your personal life.
Food in Freud’s dream book
The abundance of food in Freud’s dream book symbolizes that in real life your sexual appetites are quite large and flare up quickly, making it impossible to dwell on a specific woman / man. It also means that you are in demand with the opposite sex and one glance is enough for you to interest a person and fall in love with yourself.
A meager amount of food on the table is a sign of an early meeting with a partner who will not bring satisfaction both emotionally and sexually.
Food in Furtsev’s dream book
A large abundance of food in a dream for a man suggests that he cannot restrain his excitement. And an empty table, on the contrary, prophesies a meeting with a partner who will not arouse sexual interest.
In general, dreams about food symbolize a successful life. If you dream of a meager meal, then small losses are coming in life. If you eat in the company of your relatives or friends, this means that fate will be as favorable to you as possible. In a dream, strangers or servants take away your food – this indicates future grievances and serious losses.
If you are cooking, then soon you need to be prepared for a breakdown in relationships and even a break with a close friend or soulmate. In a dream, food is taken away – get ready for news of treason or betrayal. Exotic food is a profitable original offer that you will receive in the near future.
A table with food in a dream speaks of how your affairs are arranged at the moment. If it is full of delicious food, things will go well. If the table is scarce or the food is tasteless, problems and difficulties await you.
Food in Rick Dylan’s dream book
According to Dylan’s dream book, it is believed that seeing food in a dream means maintaining life in the body. If you dream that you are eating at the table with your friends and relatives, it means that good and winning ideas for joint ventures and entrepreneurship will soon open up.
If a woman cooks food in a dream, then great fun and joy are coming. If a man prepares it, then soon serious quarrels and misunderstandings may arise in life.
Food that smells delicious or you just like – speaks of improved health and financial well-being. If in a dream you eat and do not eat up, this may indicate dissatisfaction with your current life.
By refusing food, you thus try to avoid changes in your life. Also, such a dream can signal dissatisfaction with one’s physical condition.
Food in Stepanova’s dream book
For those born from January to April. If in a dream you see a large amount of all kinds of food, this promises stomach problems.
For those born from May to August. If in a dream you eat in the company of your friends, relatives and loved ones, this predicts successful business and money affairs.
For those born from September to December. Seeing a large amount of food in a dream means an impending deterioration in the material condition. Also, such dreams can talk about numerous guests who will visit you soon.
Food in Miller’s dream book
If in a dream you see a small portion or a little food that stands alone from another, this means that losses are coming in life, and you are driven by despondency. If you are in the circle of guests – soon you will receive personal benefit, you will be accompanied by good luck and success in money matters.
To dream about how a waiter, friend or relative takes away your food means a strong resentment or disappointment that will hurt you deeply and from which it will be difficult to recover.
Seeing food in a dream and not touching it means a careless attitude to work, documents, which is why many things in your business can decline and bring losses.
If you eat in a society that is pleasant for you, then great benefits and success are coming, which will accompany you in all your endeavors.
Food in Vanga’s dream book
According to Vanga’s dream book, food may indicate that you are careless about documentation, and this can negatively affect your business and lead to losses.
If in a dream your food is taken away, this means that soon you will be offended by people close to you. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings. Also pay attention to distant and less pleasant connections, as troubles can also come from ill-wishers to whom you previously did not attach importance.
If you eat in a circle of other people, this is a good sign and indicates the benefits and success that will accompany you both at work and in personal affairs.
Seeing in a dream how your food is being forcibly taken away is a bad sign. Such a dream may indicate a person nearby who is waiting for time to hurt you. Therefore, you should not tell a lot about yourself to unfamiliar people and completely trust them.
Food in the dream book of Arnold Mindell
If you dream of a beautifully set table with an abundance of dishes, this may mean that you are careless about working documentation and can cause serious problems with work and superiors.
If you taste food all alone in a dream, this means that soon you will expect small, but very annoying losses. If you have a meal in the company of friends or acquaintances, then you are wisely using your position in society and will be able to achieve great success and achieve material well-being.
Looking at the food that other people eat means getting some kind of elevation above them in real life. Not having time to finish eating food that is already being taken away indicates that people unworthy of you may offend you.
Expert Commentary
Dreams are a way of the soul to talk to a person in the language of images.
And how great everything would be if in a dream we were simply shown a movie about ourselves, our loved ones and, ideally, also the future. Isn’t this a dream? But not everything is so straightforward, and this is also for our good,” says Tatyana Klishina.
Dreams reflect the reality of the one who dreams, but not all and not every night. A person tends to seek support and clues, so turning to the interpretation of dreams is a normal, natural behavior.
Popular questions and answers
Answered the most frequently asked questions about what food dreams about Tatyana Klishina, motivational psychologist:
Why dream of tasteless food?
Why dream of food from different countries?
What does it mean if you dream of fatty foods?
In psychology, this is called compensation. Most often it is about the desire for pleasure, the expert says.
Such a dream is most likely to be dreamed by a person who is on a diet, or temporarily limited in the use of his favorite fatty foods. Another interpretation may be a lack of physical pleasures for the body in life, severe stress and emotional burnout, then the psyche tries to save itself by getting permission to eat what is so lacking and live it at least in a dream. There is a lot to be thankful for!
It is important to warn that the interpretations described above are advisory in nature and are not final, since in order to truly understand the message of the soul through a dream, many details must be taken into account, as well as the action itself from the beginning to the end of the dream. Therefore, checking the compass of your life with quick interpretations from the dream book is a very ineffective strategy, summed up Tatiana Klishina.