Why dream of flying in a dream
Do flights really dream of happy events in life, or do you need to worry about something? To deal with this, we decided to look into different dream books.

Probably each of us at least once in our lives flew in a dream. These are sensations of intoxicating freedom, lightness, indescribable delight, euphoria. And you wake up with a surge of strength, inspiration, and for a long time you remember incomparable emotions, expecting exciting events and happy turns from life.

But there is another side, because everyone remembers the story of the unfortunate Icarus from mythology. So what are these dreams?

Fly in a dream according to Miller’s dream book

A dream in which a person flies warns that humiliation and bad news await him about people who are currently far away.

If a young girl dreams that she is soaring in the sky, then she cannot restrain her negative emotions, which will be followed by a break in relations with her loved one.

Fly in a dream through the endless sky? This is a sign that your marriage will fail.

Flight altitude is also important. For example, if you dream that you have sunk low above the ground, expect a difficult situation or illness that you can handle safely.

We climbed very high and see celestial bodies? Such a dream means the approach of war, famine or other large-scale disasters that will affect you personally.

A dream in which a person soars above the ruins speaks of future misfortune and sorrow. However, if there are trees among the ruins, then you can be sure that you will soon overcome all the difficulties and success awaits you.

Soared in the rays of the sun? Fears and worries are groundless, in fact, everything is fine.

If a young woman in a dream flies between cities and periodically descends to the roofs of churches, this is a warning that it will not be easy for her to protect her relationship from insincere and envious people.

When a young man dreams that he is flying over green trees, and has angel wings behind him, then happy love and success in business matters will soon happen.

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Flying in a dream symbolizes movement and the desire for liberation. Such dreams are sublimation, everything speaks of a subconscious desire to get away from one’s life problems, of impotence and, possibly, a sense of insecurity.

On the other hand, this dream may mean a person’s desire to escape from a difficult situation or indicate a desire to become more influential and powerful. It is very important here what exactly the dreamer feels.

Fly in a dream according to Freud’s dream book

According to Freud’s dream book, flying in a dream symbolizes that a person is able to calmly and soberly look at his problems and knows how to abstract from them. Such a dream speaks of a surge of vitality. If you soar under the ceiling, this means an increase in spiritual energy. Are you flying in the clouds? Most likely, you are cut off from reality and live in the world of your fantasies.

Fly in a dream according to the dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

Soaring in a dream means that you can finally find freedom. However, if this happens low above the ground, then the dream warns of pipe dreams.

The feeling of lightness in flight indicates the successful overcoming of difficulties and the achievement of success.

If you feel that you are moving under the influence of some external force, then danger is approaching and you want to move away from it.

When you dream that you are flying in a car, this indicates anxiety associated with some current chores.

Fly in a dream according to a romantic dream book

For a lonely person flying low above the ground in a dream, this predicts an early acquaintance with a future spouse.

When one of the couple dreamed that he was falling from a great height, disappointment in his partner may soon happen.

If you hover over the ruins of buildings, there is a risk that a loved one may no longer trust you.

Does a man dream about how, during his flight, birds fly over his head? You need to take a closer look at the woman he likes. The dream warns that he risks losing his happiness.

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