Dream about driving a car – meaning

Most modern people have dreams related to cars. Why dream of driving a car in a dream?

As almost any dream book will tell you, driving a car in a dream while driving means striving for something new, wanting adventure, feeling routine or boredom. If you dreamed of driving in a dream, the interpretation is most often associated with work. You feel confident, perform your duties competently and efficiently. At work, you know and know everything. At the same time, why dream of driving a car may mean that you would like changes, career growth or the development of your own business.

The dream in which you happened to drive a car is a harbinger of changes in life. Driving a car in a dream – to ailments and fuss. Getting out of the car after a trip – on the contrary, to the successful completion of affairs. If something happens to the car in a dream, it breaks down or it is stolen, then this means that the projects of the questioner will not come true.

Being one of the passengers is a pleasant meeting with old friends.

Seeing yourself as a passenger in a car that has lost control is a serious difficulty due to the fault of colleagues or friends. You have to be careful with your own environment.

Being thrown out of the car on the go – to failure and betrayal by loved ones, you should be more attentive to the environment and change plans to more realistic ones.

In addition, according to Vanga’s dream book, the color of the vehicle is important:

A white car dreams of career advancement, profit.

Yellow color – to stagnation in business, no changes in the situation are expected.

Orange and red car – to career success, the dreamer will be lucky.

A blue car dreams of a dormant period. If before that there were difficulties, then they are far behind.

As this dream book says, driving a car means your activity and luck in business. Your life is changing rapidly, you are interested in many things and are fond of.

To be thrown out of the car on the move – to receive unexpected shocking news.

A broken car in a dream portends failure – such a dream shows future problems for which it is impossible to prepare. You will feel lost and empty.

Getting out of the car is a sign of the successful implementation of plans, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

Sigmund Freud any dreams attributed to sexual desires and unsatisfied desires. Any machine mechanism symbolizes the masculine principle. An expensive and bright car symbolizes the increased sexual needs of a man, a situation where one woman is unable to satisfy a man’s hunger. A woman driving a car is interpreted as wanting to manage sexual relationships for more pleasure.

I dreamed that in a dream you were driving some kind of transport, this means that you are trying to speed up events in your life. Here it is important to remember which type of transport you used in a dream, and find the corresponding symbols in the dream book. If you are driving a car, then it is possible that in life you are trying to become a respectable and respected person, but you achieve this on your own.

A train ride may indicate your thoughts about the need to make some changes in life, etc.

The car is an invention of the early XNUMXth century, and the famous soothsayer lived in the XNUMXth century, so there is nothing in his records related to this two-wheeled transport. To interpret such a dream, use the comments of our contemporaries.

Evgeny Tsvetkov interpreted the image of a car in a dream as follows. Driving a car yourself – to poverty and worries; driving a car is a reflection of your personal life: for example, parking means that it may be time for you and your partner to part. Collision, accident – the return of the lost. For a woman, dreams about a brand new car can mean a new boyfriend.

Esotericists interpret driving a car in a dream as love to command in reality – you are a born leader. But you can manage people as skillfully as you drive a car in a dream.

To ride backwards – you have become like those who previously commanded earlier.

Buying a car – you will have the opportunity to advance in the service.

Seeing a chic car that is inaccessible in life – to losses, losses. It is possible your car will be stolen.

An old, broken car symbolizes that you will have the opportunity to make good money and buy a new car.

According to the Islamic dream book, the car personifies the various undertakings of the dreamer. When interpreting what you see, you need to carefully study other details of the dream, such as fellow travelers who are in the car with the questioner, the color and condition of the car, the trip itself and the sensations from it.

If the car is in good condition, then the dreamer’s project will be carried out easily and success and profit await him at the end. In cases where the car is old, breaks down, and the trip brings discomfort, difficulties await the questioner on the way to the goals.

Fellow travelers from a dream will point to real people who can help, or, on the contrary, prevent the dreamer from carrying out his plans.

Driving a car in a dream is a favorable sign, if the control is easy and the journey goes without trouble, does not cause negative feelings. Driving represents the dreamer’s projects and the movement towards their completion.

It is important to consider who dreamed about the car. Depending on the gender, age and state of health of the dreamer, a symbol from a dream can mean diametrically opposite things.

For a girl, a dream involving a car predicts a future romance that will begin very soon. If in a dream there was a fellow traveler in the car, then it is important to remember who it was, perhaps he is the future lover.

For a married woman, a dream portends a strengthening of relations with her soulmate, the marriage will be happy, the family will be strong.

For a man, such a dream promises quick profits, success in business, career advancement. If in a dream there was a fellow traveler in a car with a dreamer, then the dream speaks of a possible future romantic relationship with this woman. Friends in the car and a trip with them – to strengthen friendship.

For a pregnant woman, a dream about traveling in a car is interpreted based on the circumstances of the dream: if the trip is pleasant and comfortable, then the dream portends an easy pregnancy and childbirth.

Theft of a car in a dream is an unfavorable sign, such a dream speaks of unfulfilled hopes, portends a loss, an unsuccessful completion of affairs. If in a dream you can see who stole the car, and this is someone you know, then you should be wary of this person, danger is possible on his part.

The state of the vehicle in a dream is an important point, it speaks of the state of the dreamer’s projects. If the car is new and of high quality, then things are going well. An old and broken car means a precarious state of affairs, unreliability of plans.

A fire engine or other emergency vehicle in a dream speaks of the danger hanging over the dreamer. You should be more careful in business, at home, be wary of various ambiguous situations.

An expensive sports car in a dream suggests that the dreamer is doing well, the projects are well planned and thought out, things will have a favorable outcome, the questioner is confidently moving towards his goals and undoubted success awaits him.

A red car is a harbinger of success, career growth, profit.

A black car dreams of failures, problems in business, inhibition of plans.

A truck in a dream means some very large project. If the car carries goods or various useful things, then the undertaking will be successful and will bring the desired results. An empty car in a dream is also a favorable sign.

A dirty or broken car – to difficulties in business, problems, stagnation. If in a dream the car got stuck in the mud – to sudden obstacles from an unexpected source.

Buying transport in a dream is a good deal in reality. The more expensive and better the car in a dream, the more profitable the agreement will be.

Traveling in a dream with family and friends – to strengthen relationships with these people, if the trip goes smoothly. If the journey brings discomfort, then, on the contrary, quarrels and disagreements are possible with fellow travelers from sleep.

To drive fast or in a car without brakes – on the contrary, you should plan your activities better and not rush too much, otherwise there is a risk of disruption due to unforeseen circumstances.

Driving a vehicle in a dream without having a driver’s license, or not being able to do it in reality – to receive a difficult task at work, which, however, the dreamer will be able to cope with.

Seeing in a dream how someone else is driving a car or sitting in the passenger seat means that the dreamer’s life is not controlled by himself, but by this person.


We have considered quite a lot of options for dreams with the presence of a car trip. The more complex what is happening, the more clues are given to you for interpreting and predicting future events. In general, a car trip is interpreted as a change in business, a movement, a change of events.

Usually such a dream portends positive changes in a person’s life. The car is interpreted as a quick assistant in achieving what you want, whether it be work or relationships.

On November 9, the premiere of the series “Onlife” took place – a continuation of the popular series “Instalife” about five virtual girlfriends, who this time decide to make their life happy in reality, and not just in social networks. 

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