Sonnik Miller
In whatever context this vegetable is dreamed of, nothing good should be expected. In a global sense, dreams about cabbage can be a warning about riots. Young cabbage warns of the betrayal of a loved one and betrayal. Harvesting is a signal for you: if you do not stop mindlessly managing money, then you will create many problems for yourself that will bring grief.
Wangi’s Dream
By itself, cabbage, like vegetables in general, is not considered a special sign by the soothsayer. It makes sense to analyze such dreams if they are connected with the harvest and with the earth – they symbolize life and the beginning of something.
They planted cabbage – you don’t have to worry about your financial situation. Either everything is stable and this trend will continue, or everything is moving towards it. Cash bonuses, awards, career growth are not excluded. The more fertile the land and the healthier and juicier the seedlings look, the more prosperous the future will be. But if you have spent a lot of time and effort, and the beds are still frail and stunted, losses are inevitable.
An unprecedented crop of cabbage suggests that all your efforts were not in vain, they will soon bear fruit. But if the heads of cabbage spoil because there is no one to clean them, you will not get moral satisfaction from the event for which you have been preparing for a long time and carefully. If the plantings died due to drought, focus on the spiritual development of your children.
Islamic dream book
There is this dialogue in the Quran:
“Moses, we won’t be able to endure monotonous food, you pray to your God for us to give us vegetables that grow on earth: cucumbers, and onions, and garlic, and lentils.
Are you the best [ie. i.e. what Allah himself has chosen as food] do you want to replace with the worst?
Therefore, dreams about cabbage symbolize that you have exchanged for the worst the best that you had in connection with property, real estate, finances, knowledge or family. The second explanation is that you will have to work long, hard and hard, and the return will be minimal.
Dream Interpretation of Freud
A funeral is a reflection of inner fears in the intimate sphere, in which a person is sometimes afraid to admit to himself. Such a dream is a companion of a man who is afraid of impotence. Interestingly, a phobia can turn into a real problem: constant thoughts about how to satisfy a partner and how not to embarrass yourself lead to emotional overstrain and sexual impotence.
The funeral procession is dreamed of by girls who have complexes because of their appearance. It seems to them that they are not attractive, that men are not attracted to them. We need to get rid of this complex as soon as possible.
Dream Lofa
Vegetables in general symbolize health, vigor and vitality, which is why cabbage in particular is considered a good sign. Heads of cabbage growing in the garden promise the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of planned affairs. Even the active attempts of ill-wishers to prevent you from the final excellent result will not affect. A person who is an example for you and whose opinion you value will pay attention to you and show favor. In addition to moral satisfaction, a significant material reward awaits you. A dream in which you looked at vegetable supplies in the basement also speaks of making a profit. If you dreamed not of fresh vegetables, but of preparations, then success will be short-lived. Spiritual uplift will be replaced by disappointment, and the past will not give rest.
Sonn of Nostradamus
Dreams related to agriculture almost always have a positive interpretation. Beautiful, well-groomed beds with cabbage say that you can safely start any business, fate will be more favorable to you than ever. At what results of your work will positively be reflected in other people. Harvesting symbolizes a peaceful and happy life.
But if insects have spoiled the cabbage you have grown, get ready for financial difficulties and related problems.
Dreams Tsvetkova
Evgeny Tsvetkov, in his book Happy Dreams, explains the meaning of almost four dozen fruits, vegetables and berries, but each description is very short. Cabbage is no exception. All that is said about it is that if you cooked it, then expect gossip, and if you ate it, you will receive a gift.
esoteric Dream Book
Esotericists divide all dreams about cabbage into two large groups: those that promise profit (if you planted this vegetable or eat it), and those that warn against unsuccessful purchases (if you looked at heads of cabbage or chopped them).
Sonny Hasse
If you were unable to remember the details of such a dream, then treat it as a symbol of well-being. If you have a memory that you have cut cabbage, then in life there will be a reason for longing; planted – all undertakings will bring profit; ate – fate will test for strength.