Why dream of an accident
In what cases of a dreamed accident should one rejoice, in which ones should one be afraid, and when should one not attach any importance to what one sees? We analyze all the options for interpreting dreams about an accident

Accident in Miller’s dream book

Get under public transport in a dream – to the loss of your property or a serious illness (for example, such as malaria). For girls, becoming a participant in an accident is a bad sign. So, she will have to mourn for a loved one. It will not necessarily be his physical departure from life, it is more about his personal departure from your life. Such losses are also predicted by a dream about an accident involving maritime transport. If they manage to pull you out of the water, then you will be able to cope with a very difficult situation that you will find yourself in reality.

A train can also get into an accident. If you were not injured as a result of the crash, then in reality your attention will be riveted to some real accident, as it will affect your relatives or friends. Also, this image may portend problems in business.

Accident in Vanga’s dream book

Если авария спровоцировала гибель большого количества людей, то это отражение самобичевания, которым вы занимаетесь наяву. Причем причина кроется в вас самих, а именно в вашем недостойном поведении.

Авария в Исламском соннике

The trip is considered a symbol of the transition to a new position. Therefore, if it ends in an accident, then minor or major troubles will arise in business (depending on the consequences of the incident). Specifically, traveling by car is associated with ambition, greatness, and power. If in a dream you feel insecure driving, drive poorly and provoke an accident, then your actions in reality are controlled by a whim.

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Авария в соннике Фрейда

The accident promises a stormy relationship with a bright, extraordinary personality. No matter how they end, they will bring you many happy moments, so you will always remember this period of time with warmth.

Direct participation in an accident (it can be an accident, a breakdown of a car or equipment) speaks of sexual dysfunction or fear of experiencing it. Most likely, this is a reflection of your physical and emotional overload, try to calm down and relax.

Injured in an accident in a dream? This indicates your irresistible desire to enter into intimacy with someone.

An accident in Loff’s dream book

The psychologist considered car accidents in a dream a signal that in reality you would find out which of your relatives or friends are in danger and try to help. If at the same time you participated in the accident, tried to prevent it, but could not, then in reality you will not be able to take control of the situation.

Трасса, на которой произошло ДТП, знакома вам в реальной жизни? Проезжая ее, будьте внимательны и не лихачьте.

Accident in the dream book of Nostradamus

Автомобили появились через 200 лет после смерти прорицателя, поэтому, конечно же, толкований про автокатастрофы у него не найти. Говорится о катастрофах в целом — как о знаке, что вам нужно понять причину затяжных стрессов и, если не избавиться от нее полностью, то хотя бы минимизировать их последствия. Но понять смысл сна про аварию все же можно.

Firstly, the day on which you had a dream matters. It is believed that on the 3rd, 10th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 26th and 29th lunar days and on the 2nd, 16th, 26th, 27th, 29th, 30th of any month, “empty” dreams are dreamed. Also, do not attach importance to what you see on the night of Monday and Wednesday – these days dreams speak exclusively of your emotional and psychological state.

Во-вторых, подумайте, какие образы были наиболее яркими — дорога, само путешествие, сопровождавшие вас люди, последствия аварии (травма, смерть) — и узнайте их толкование.

Accident in Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to the scientist, the context does not affect the meaning of dreams about accidents – they are associated with negative events. So, if the collision occurred on land, then problems will begin in business; if on the water – you will be disappointed in love. The consequence of these events may be a break in relations with loved ones or business partners. It is better to refuse new acquaintances during this period of time.

Accident in the Esoteric dream book

It matters what your role was in the accident: an outside observer means that a person will appear who can solve your problems; direct participant – the steps that you are going to take will benefit, act!

Interpretation of dreams about an accident according to Hasse’s dream book

Авария, не причинившая вам боли, обещает укрепление веры в себя, рост вашего влияния и авторитета. В вашей жизни наступил этап духовного перерождения и личностного роста, используйте это время с максимальной выгодой. Если же вы стали сторонним наблюдателем аварии, то вы можете рассчитывать на хорошую прибыль.

Specialist commentary

Anna Pogoreltseva, psychologist:

A car accident in a dream is always a bad sign. It is necessary to evaluate the context in which the accident occurred. If you were driving the car, then this is a warning for you to reconsider your current actions. If the affected car was driven by another person, then you should analyze the relationship with him, understand whether you are able to trust him or not, because this character can become a source of problems for you.

A car completely broken in an accident symbolizes a complete collapse and failure in life. This image  a warning to you: now you should reconsider your plans in order to avoid trouble.

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