A miscarriage is a very bitter event, and it is very scary to see this even in a dream. But most often, he simply warns of a mistake that can be corrected, or symbolizes liberation from trouble. In order to understand why a miscarriage is dreaming and to choose the exact interpretation of a dream, you need to remember the details of sleep to the smallest detail. Our expert Veronika Tyurina – a psychologist-consultant in the field of interpersonal relations, will tell you what such a dream means from the point of view of psychology.
Miscarriage in Miller’s dream book
Unfortunately, according to Miller’s dream book, a miscarriage means only pain and disappointment. You should not expect something good from such a dream, but you also do not need to dwell on the negative. The one who saw a miscarriage in a dream is waiting for anxiety, frustration, anxiety and resentment. A miscarriage in a pet or other animal symbolizes a possible betrayal by friends, so take a closer look at your surroundings. Should I trust them all and keep them very close? If a girl has a miscarriage, a new acquaintance awaits her, which will not bring joy. If a married woman loses a child in a dream, it means that her marriage is bursting at the seams, a divorce is approaching.
Miscarriage in Freud’s dream book
Sigmund Freud was sure that seeing a miscarriage in a dream is a sign that you need to talk less and spread about yourself and your personal life. Your environment may stop trusting you and listening to your opinion. If a miscarriage occurred in a dream without blood, then you can easily deal with ill-wishers. If a close friend had a miscarriage, then meetings from the past may await you. However, consider whether you need them.
Miscarriage in Vanga’s dream book
Vanga believed that a miscarriage could be a dream because of the fear of losing someone close: husband, children, parents, brothers or sisters. To put your thoughts in order, you need to stop thinking negatively, because nothing depends on you in this matter. According to Vanga’s dream book, a dream with a miscarriage is also interpreted as a loss as a result of an unpleasant event, so do not carry a large amount of money with you, keep valuable documents in safe places, insure your property. Listen to such a dream, it can be a warning. If single women see a miscarriage, it means that in the near future it will not work to meet your love. But remember, in this matter a lot depends only on you, be open to this world and do not become attached to the meaning of this dream.
Miscarriage in Loff’s dream book
If in a dream you had a miscarriage, and you really didn’t want it and now you suffer bitterly, then in real life this means that someone wants to interfere with your plans. If a man saw a miscarriage in a dream, then troubles will also affect him. If a doctor dreamed of a miscarriage, this may mean that there is a high risk of making a medical mistake, you need to be careful.
Miscarriage in the dream book of Nostradamus
But Nostradamus believed that the one who dreamed of a miscarriage was not satisfied with his position in society. Various troubles can happen in life. For example, a project that you have been working on for a long time and put your soul into it can fall apart, and not necessarily just because of you. Plans can be hindered by life circumstances and people. Prosperity and stability can be replaced by chaos, joy and smiles by sadness and anxiety.
Miscarriage in Tsvetkov’s dream book
Tsvetkov notes that a miscarriage in a dream is not so scary. Troubles can happen in life, but it is a dream that indicates that you will solve them in an easy way, get off with little blood. By the way, these may not always be problems, but simple chores, such as accumulated cases, a large amount of work.
In the Modern Dream Book
A modern dream book indicates that a miscarriage in a dream means loss. It is better to postpone major transactions, be more attentive to your loved ones. Also, after such a dream, you should not risk your money – do not lend and do not invest in dubious companies / stocks. Such a dream can also be interpreted as a harbinger of minor troubles. If a pregnant woman had a dream, it does not carry a negative connotation, but only means that the expectant mother is very concerned about her position and thoughts and the health of her baby. It is better for her to think about the good, to walk more and be creative. If a man had a miscarriage, it means that he is not ready to take responsibility for someone. If such a dream was seen by a woman who already has children, it is worth being more attentive to them, not leaving them unattended, and monitoring their health.
Expert Commentary
Our expert Veronika Tyurina — psychologist-consultant in the field of interpersonal relations, coach, energy therapist will tell you why a miscarriage is dreamed of from the point of view of psychology:
“In general, such a dream cannot be considered bad, because despite the negative message of this event, its meaning most often carries the following interpretations:
- If you have a miscarriage in a dream, this indicates your unwillingness to accept the changes taking place in your life, and thus the psyche, as it were, relieves internal stress so that you gain strength and subsequently be ready to accept the changes that await you;
- If a man dreams of a miscarriage, then here, as an addition to the previous paragraph, which is also relevant for men, it is worth adding internal uncertainty and a clear intrapersonal conflict. There is something that you clearly do not accept in yourself and are trying with all your might to get rid of these manifestations;
- If in a dream you see that someone next to you is having a miscarriage and you want to help, then you are tormented by a feeling of your own unfulfillment, as if you hadn’t completed something, could appear somewhere, but didn’t appear, and you would like someone – even if not you – to implement it;
- If in a dream you are scared that a miscarriage is happening next to you, you see the blood and fear of that woman, and as a result, panic seizes you – this is a dream about a trauma experienced from the past. There was a certain situation that your psyche either displaced or devalued, and you still had a fear inside that it could remind you of itself again, but you are not ready for this.