What promises us a dream with a mirror? It depends on whether the surface is cloudy or shiny. Maybe it’s covered in cracks? Whose reflection do you see in the mirror: yourself, friends or strangers? Does the mirror break?
Mirror in Vanga’s dream book
A mirror, especially broken, is a symbol of loss and misfortune.
Also, a dream in which you look at your reflection speaks of a tendency to reflection and your interest in the opinions of other people. Fortune telling in front of a mirror betrays your desire to know the future. A bad sign is not to see your reflection.
Mirror in Miller’s dream book
Pay attention to who you see in the mirror. Themselves – to disagreements in the future, as well as a possible illness, others – to injustice on their part, animals – to disappointment and failure, an exhausted lover – to his illness or separation, happy – to overcoming difficulties in relationships.
A mirror hanging on the wall portends deceit and obstacles. A broken mirror promises the sudden death of a relative, and a young woman – an unsuccessful friendship and an unhappy marriage.
Mirror in Tsvetkov’s dream book
To see your face in the mirror – to receive news from afar. It can also promise a wedding or the birth of children. Pay attention to how you look – it shows the attitude of others around you. A bad sign is to see your reflection without a face, this portends a disease.
If you see a stranger in the mirror, big changes await you, not always pleasant, for example, betrayal of a passion. Not a good sign – to see a lover – to parting or infidelity.
Mirror in Loff’s dream book
Such a dream promises deception on the part of a loved one.
Pass in a dream through several mirrors – to improve well-being.
Mirror in the dream book of Nostradamus
Own reflection promises unexpected news. But not seeing him at all is a bad sign. If you see a monster in the reflection, pay attention, this speaks of your insincerity, false promises to yourself and inner emptiness.
A cloudy mirror surface warns – you may become a victim of slander.
Breaking a mirror in a dream promises feelings due to the betrayal of a loved one. Fortune telling in front of him is to experience fear and doubt, as well as the inability to make decisions. Pass through the mirror – to easily resolve problems.
Mirror in Freud’s dream book
The mirror surface reflects your fantasies and desires. You see yourself the way you want to be. You may have narcissistic traits that can affect your relationships with others.
A dirty or misted mirror betrays dissatisfaction with personal life. Broken – a symbol of unfulfilled expectations.
Mirror in the English dream book
Pay attention to the time when the mirror dreamed. In the morning – to vain worries about the health of parents, in the afternoon – to health problems, in the evening – to insomnia, and at night – to replenishment in the family.
Mirror in the Chinese dream book
Finding a mirror on the street promises a joyful streak in life. For a girl to receive a mirror as a gift is a pleasant surprise.
Mirror in the French dream book
What are you doing with a mirror in a dream? Wiping it promises the accusations of others, covering it with a cloth or putting it in a closet – trouble.
A man’s dream, in which he throws out a cracked mirror, warns of a bad deal.
A pocket mirror in a wooden frame promises a woman a romantic date.
Expert Commentary
Kristina Duplinskaya, tarologist:
Sleeping with a mirror is always a warning. If you look in a psychological way, then this is an attempt to escape from reality. It’s as if we don’t want to look directly at our life, but look in the reflection.
And if we consider it symbolically, then a mirror is also a door to another world. In the world of fantasy or our future, which is practically the same thing.
In a more everyday sense, dreams about mirrors reflect signs about them. For example, to see that a mirror was broken in a dream is the same as breaking in reality – to tears and sorrows. For a married woman to see her husband in a dream reflected in a mirror – to his infidelity.
If you look at yourself, but do not see the reflection, this is a bad sign. You have to be very careful. This promises severe illness, most often of a mental or mental nature, as well as deception on the part of those you believe.
If in a dream you are guessing in a mirror for the future, then remember well what you saw in it. This is a prophetic dream. Either it will come true literally, or you will need to unravel it through symbols, depending on what kind of dreams you usually have.