Yes, I do not eat meat and I do not advise you.
I have no fanaticism: if my wife asks me, I eat meat very well at a party, and that is why I think that you should do it less often. I hope I will not be categorical on this issue, since I am not a nutritionist and, moreover, I know many intelligent people who are convinced of the benefits of meat-eating. Probably, individual characteristics need to be taken into account here too: as there are different breeds of dogs, so there are, apparently, different breeds of people. To each his own, including his own food. But if you are interested in my position and why I settled on it, I will state my position.
Where did my position come from? I read different authors, nutritionists, and I realized that everyone argues with everyone. Well: where they argue among themselves, I left their disputes to the authors and allowed myself to choose as I please. But if the majority of the authors agree on something, where they decide not to argue, I said: it’s probably worth taking it. Regarding meat, the position of most authors is common: it is not obvious that it should not be eaten at all, but it is definitely worth limiting yourself in meat consumption. Well, that’s nice: it means that it can be accepted without much understanding. If you look at it, some circumstances seem quite convincing to me.
Who was the person originally, according to their ancestry: a carnivorous predator or a herbivorous chewer? If you look at the structure of the teeth, stomach and length of the intestines, then definitely not a predator. Most likely, he was frugivorous, i.e. ate fruits, maybe cereals, and if he ate meat, then not to a large extent.
Well, he ate various fruits, but soon this lafa ended: a cold snap occurred, the ice age began. And before mankind, then not very numerous, there was a curious task: either to die for good, because you can no longer live on the fruits, or to radically change something in life. The meat turned out to be a good way out: this is afterburner nutrition, and if I have eaten meat now, then my energy immediately rises. Another thing is that this gain is only situational, because in the afterburner any motor works, although it is more powerful, but it wears out faster. However, the history of the people does not care: yes, you will die faster, but during this time you will have time to produce others, they will also not live long, but the next ones will be born … For a particular person, this is death, but in general for humanity — a winning option, and it is those tribes that switched to meat and survived. But is it worth it to invigorate yourself so much today in order to die faster tomorrow?
I ate meat — my head became heavy
The head was thinking, and then we ate cutlets. Meat is good for physical energy, but the head wants to sleep after meat: meat is an indigestible product, and in order to help, blood is transferred from the head to the stomach. After that, the stomach begins to digest, but the head begins to think poorly. Accordingly, if you sit listlessly in the city, eat fatty sausages and drink it with broths, then after each such hearty meal you will have a heavy head.
No psychologist during a break in the training will feed the people with fatty borscht, meat and other things, because then in the second part of the training the people will sleepily nod their noses — it has been verified repeatedly.
Stop eating meat — you will grow wiser.
Meat and vessels
But a heavy head is only the beginning, because vessels clogged with shit are something more serious. You may have heard: «Meat clogs the body with toxins.» I heard this too, but for a long time it was an absolutely empty phrase for me: what kind of «slags», who saw them, who they interfere with — everything is fine with me! And then my friends helped me and arranged an exclusive tour to the morgue: you know, it’s impressive! In the pictures in medical atlases, our veins and arteries are drawn with beautiful, neat tu.e.s, and for some reason I was sure that our vessels really are the same as the plastic cocktail tu.e.s in McDonald’s. No. Such vessels are only in children. And you have it more like that, clogged with viscous and slimy shit, like in the sewers of the old Khrushchev five-story buildings. Represented? Did you feel? So, your vessels make the same delicious meatballs and fatty sausages. Chew on health!
To be more specific: roll up your sleeves and take a closer look at the blue veins on the crook of your arms: are you still all right? Or are thickenings already appearing somewhere, like circles of a subway station on subway lines? These are fatty plaques. A year ago it was not yet, but then again — and oops! The plaque floated on the vessel, stood across the vessel, now the blood is looking for an opportunity to pass this plaque. Stretched the vessel — you are lucky … Unlucky — blockage of the vessel. Blockage in the brain area — you get a stroke, in the heart area — a heart attack. Simple and instant. What do you like best?
How meat affects your character
Supporters of kosher nutrition tell very curious things, very worldly obvious. They draw our attention to the fact that if you don’t take special care, then any animal at the moment when it is killed understands this. And what is there not to understand: in ordinary production, a man with an ax breaks the skull of a calf, and a girl cuts off the head of a chicken with large scissors. And when an ax soars above your head or, suspended by your legs, you observe the brilliance of a knife approaching your throat, then all the substances that evolutionarily work for two programs are instantly injected into the blood: to run or to beat. Fear and rage: this is what happens to the body in the slaughterhouse. Each time, before becoming dead meat, those substances are instinctively injected into this still living meat in full, those substances that charge the meat for reactions of fear or rage. And then you eat that meat. And those people who are fond of meat, by the nature of their reactions, more often turn out to be people who are afraid of someone and, perhaps in connection with this, tend to beat someone. Do I want to have it in my character? I do not want.
Let me sniff you
When you switch from sausage to salads, you will stop acne, blackheads and other decorations you do not need, plus the smell from your mouth will change. While you’re eating meat, you usually need deodorants. You will probably find a person who does not care, simply because he exudes the same aromas himself and is therefore used to it, but if you want to have a good smell, it is better to eat something else. Total:
I have been living without meat and fish (this is the same meat, only in a weakened version) for three (so — already four!) decades. Now it’s so strange to me when people eat sausages, sausages, sausages, cutlets: if I relax, I can observe this normally, without an internal protest attitude, but it’s so strange when people put such things in their mouths! I must have forgotten something.
When and what kind of meat can be eaten.
Eliminate meat from your diet categorically? I don’t think. To accustom the body to completely sterile food is also hardly correct, sometimes you need to train your body with meat, fish and other food loads, respectively, there can and should be nutritional options. My decision is a compromise: in my daily diet, I do without meat and eat it only on big holidays to please friends and relatives. Accordingly, it comes out every few months. Remember from Khayyam:
Wine is prohibited, but there are four but:
Where, with whom, when and how much to drink wine.
If all four conditions are met
All sane wine is allowed.
Also, meat: you can eat meat if it is well boiled, draining all the broth from it (there is just all the rubbish in the broth), or as kebabs with greens in nature, where you move a lot and burn everything reliably. You won’t fill it with beer, but burn it when you moved a lot and with pleasure, ran, swam, jumped in volleyball, or at least walked long distances. Note that you can do this, you need to be a healthy person, so you need to remember: “Allow yourself to eat meat only a very healthy person can.
How much food does a person need
How to eat? First, you need to eat less. I am very pleased that at one time I practiced therapeutic fasting: I did not cure anything exactly because there was nothing to treat, but since then I have felt the main thing: if I ate, it’s great, I’m full and energetic, if I didn’t eat, it’s great, this is even better, it is a cleansing of the body and a healing procedure for it. Only a naive person thinks that we eat because the body needs to eat, restoring itself. Nope. Food for us, as a rule, is something else, namely an opportunity to relax plus an additional source of joy. Indeed, there are things around, chores, loads, strains — where would you run away from them? Hooray, it’s time to eat! Take care of yourself: more often we eat not from hunger, not from the natural need to replenish vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates, for us food is a legal way to escape from work. Yes? The more troubles in life, the more you want to eat. And life is beautiful, it pulls to the point — we easily forget about food, and this is great, exactly because if the amount of food you usually consume is divided in half, then this will be what your body really needs. Horror! What is it like working all day? Eat less and you will have more joy in life.
Pros of Japanese cuisine
Japanese cuisine is quite expensive, but keep in mind that Japan has one of the highest life expectancies. The Japanese are a very reasonable nation, remember at least their famous proverb: “We used to eat pumpkin because we were poor, but now we eat pumpkin in order to be rich longer.” Rice, fruits and vegetables, greens, and everything that the sea gives the Japanese: seaweed, shrimps, octopuses, scallops, squid — everything is tasty and varied.
Your body needs salt, but you don’t need to add salt: you get all the necessary grams when you eat cheese, eggs, milk, bread and all other foods that naturally contain salt. Everything else is already an excess of sodium chloride, and what it threatens you with, ask the doctors. If you want to add flavor, you can use sea salt or naturally salted seafood, or even better, discover the natural taste of food without salt. Table salt is a drug that is easy to get addicted to and hard to get off, but for a person who is already addicted to salt, unsalted food is objectively insipid. Objectively fresh! However, for a natural person who is not accustomed (or unaccustomed) to eating salt, salty food is simply bitter. Objectively sad! Everything is objective — and everything depends only on your habit.
About the sweet life
By itself, sugar is a white powder of a fairly bland taste, containing carbohydrates that are easily processed into fats. There are no vitamins or other useful substances in sugar, and you simply gain fat with it. Especially for the thin ones — the thin one can also be fat and flabby, just as the full one can be pumped up and energetic, without a drop of fat. Do you need that extra weight? I need life, I need health, but I don’t see this life in the sugar. It is much more reasonable to drink juice, kefir or a variety of bifidus cultures instead of sweet tea. For God’s sake. Better yet, plain water. And for tea lovers — please, but not as the end of the meal, but at least half an hour later. Then digest what you eat properly, and, by the way, you get an additional break from work. Which is always nice.
An ode to a healthy lifestyle
I choose plant foods and seafood not for abstract humanistic reasons: «Animals should not be killed because they are living beings» — ideology has nothing to do with it. I want to be alert, I don’t want to sleep, I don’t want to be heavy, I don’t want to have carcinogens and I want to live long. I want to live cheerfully, and so far it is working out. I look at people who eat fat belyashi, wash it down with yellow beer and inhale cigarette smoke — and I understand that they value not life, but something else. Of course, it’s not just about meat: you need to go to bed on time, play sports, pour cold water over yourself, and most importantly, you need to love to live!
Sometimes I meet my former classmates and show them to my companions: “Look, I was in the same class with him!” People’s faces are drawn. “He studied with you? This loose, heavy, old-skinned man is your age?
I don’t eat meat because I love life! I greet everyone who also wants to live, who appreciates life, who cares about doing something real in life, who has something to live for!