1. Dairy products significantly increase the acidity in the body.
While the dairy industry has promoted the idea that milk makes bones stronger for years, the opposite happens when dairy products are consumed abundantly. In his book TheChinaStudy T. Colin Campbell, Professor of Nutrional Sciences at Cornell University, talks about research that has shown that drinking milk and dairy products creates additional acidity in the body. To neutralize it, the body uses, for example, calcium or phosphorus to restore its natural alkaline state. The result is weakened bones and teeth, contrary to what the dairy industry has been claiming for years. In countries with low dairy consumption, such as China, cases of osteoporosis are rare.
2. Cow’s milk contains two elements that are difficult for the human body to absorb.
First, it is casein, the main protein (protein) of milk – 87% of the protein in cow’s milk. It is difficult to digest, and it harms the intestines and stomach, which can lead to autoimmune diseases and malabsorption of the intestines, as well as a general deterioration in health. Dr. Campbell has conducted a number of studies that have proven that there is a direct link between the consumption of casein and the occurrence of a large number of cancers. And this fact scares me the most. After I read about Dr. Campbell’s work and its results, I stopped eating anything that contains cow’s milk that same day.
Secondly, it is lactose – sugar in milk, which is also poorly absorbed by the human body. Many people are lactose intolerant, which can lead to digestive upset and upset. And even if you do not have lactose intolerance, then you need to pay attention to the amount of sugar that enters the body with milk and dairy products. Many nutritionists recommend that you reduce your daily sugar intake.
3. Milk may contain hormones, antibiotics and chemicals.
Most producers keep livestock in close quarters and provide genetically modified feed. To combat diseases caused by such non-natural conditions, they often add antibiotics to the feed, which eventually end up in milk, increasing its toxicity and increasing the resistance of the human body to antibiotics. To increase milk yield, many milk producers also use various hormones that lead to endocrine disruption in humans and contribute to the development of certain types of cancer.
Alternative to cow’s milk and dairy products.
Alternatives to cow’s milk are nut milk (such as almond, coconut, or hazelnut milk), as well as rice and hemp milk. Soy milk is often used, although soy has its own problems. I prefer almond milk, which you can buy or make yourself at home. The recipe is very simple.
Another alternative, especially for lovers of cheese, kefir and yoghurt, can be goat products. About her in a separate post.