Why doesn’t the kitten go to the toilet in large measure?
A newborn kitten does not go to the toilet in a big way; up to 3 weeks, the mother-cat helps him to empty the intestines. Kittens over 3 weeks old should defecate 2 to 6 times daily, and if this does not happen, you should be alert and carefully observe the pet.
If the kitten does not go to the toilet in a big way, it may need medical attention.
Why the kitten doesn’t walk in a big way: probable reasons
Many factors can provoke constipation in an animal. In particular:
- refusal of the cat mother from caring for the baby. During licking, in addition to cleaning the fur, the cat also stimulates the process of defecation in the kitten. Sometimes she abandons her baby, and then he develops constipation;
- experienced stressful situation. Lack of regular bowel movements can trigger stress, such as moving to a different apartment. If this is the case, then the kitten may not go to the litter box for up to five days. To solve the problem, you need to help the animal get used to it as quickly as possible. It is necessary to limit the communication of a new pet with small children, who can be very nervous;
- a new type of food. It can also provoke disturbances in the intestinal tract of the animal. For this reason, it is worth gradually accustoming a kitten to a new type of food;
- lack of fluid. If you plan to feed the kitten with dry food, then you need to provide the animal with constant access to clean water.
But if all the causes are eliminated, and the animal still has problems with stool, then decisive action must be taken.
What to do if the kitten does not walk in a big way
It is advisable to show the animal to a veterinarian. But if this is not possible, then you can use home methods. They will not be able to harm, but they will help to cope with the problem. This is:
- massage. For very young kittens, mimic cat licking using a clean gauze pad. Gently massage the kitten’s groin to stimulate bowel movements.
- a grown kitten can be given half a teaspoon of vegetable oil daily, until normal stool is restored;
- enema. This is a fairly effective remedy in cases of constipation. During the procedure, the kitten is injected with a small amount of warm water using a baby enema. It can be replaced with a syringe without a needle. You don’t need to use too much water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated later.
If the kitten, despite all the efforts made, continues to leave the litter box clean, the animal must be urgently shown to the veterinarian. After examining him, the doctor will be able to find the necessary medicines.