Why does the weather affect us?

Does the weather really affect our moods? Some beliefs believe that our morale is conditioned by the weather, while studies tend to show that we are not all weather sensitive. Here are some benchmarks.
How does the weather affect our moods?
We tend to think that the weather plays a very big role in our moods. It is true that when the sky is bright, we often have better morale and more positive ideas. Likewise, when it’s raining or it’s cold, we tend to fold in on ourselves, we often feel cockroaching and we would like to stay warm and warm under the duvet! Weather does not make you sick but can make some symptoms worse.
We see that in times of extreme cold, there are more cases of depression and suicides. Is it really related? It seems to be mostly the lack of light – more than the low temperatures – which is involved in this type of depression. ” The problem, it is the accumulation of factors. Indeed, if in addition to the bad weather, the person accumulates other difficulties in the work or of a sentimental nature, he will be much more aware. »Specifies Marie Romanens, psychotherapist.
Meteosensitive, what is it?
We are meteosensitive when we suffer from depressive disorders linked to the lack of light and the drop in temperatures. American psychologists then speak of Seasonal Affective Discorder (DAS), in French, seasonal affective disorder. How does this SAR manifest itself? Fatigue, lack of interest in daily activities, decreased concentration, social withdrawal, compulsive need to eat sugar (especially chocolate), weight gain, etc.
Is light therapy effective?
If the weather really plays a role in our emotions and especially for people for whom the weather plays an important role in their mood, there is a therapy which tends to develop more and more and especially in countries where the sun is more discreet (or even non-existent) for many months: light therapy.
Half an hour of exposure to a very powerful lamp per day would be enough to fill the lack of sun responsible for certain depressions. Less powerful but softer and very effective: the dawn simulator. It allows you to be exposed to a soft and progressive light while you are still sleeping. Thus, the biological rhythm adapts better to the shortening of the days from the beginning of autumn.
How can we overcome the effects of the weather on our moods?
Winter is fast approaching. In trying to get past the effects of time on our moods, there are some tips that can be helpful. Before testing light therapy, Alain Héril, author of “ To overcome seasonal depression ”, gives you these recommendations: « go out for at least an hour a day, let in as much light as possible, exercise, preferably outdoors, take omega-3s and magnesium, meditate and learn to control your emotions ».
Maylis Choné
Learn more about Seasonal depression