Why does the stomach sag and how to remove it?
Think sagging skin is a disaster? Don’t worry, this is a common thing that can be fixed with an effort.
Many people worry when they notice that their belly is becoming less firm, flat and toned. This especially upsets us, the fair sex, because no matter how hard we try to eat right, limit ourselves to unhealthy food and, of course, play sports, the figure sometimes does not seem to care. The abdomen can become flabby for very different reasons. Let’s talk about them in more detail.
For what reasons does the stomach sag and what to do about it?
Our expert, certified plastic surgeon Lupin Danila Aleksandrovich, answers the question of why the stomach sags and how to remove it.
Certified plastic surgeon, member of ROPREH. Certified suture and injection trainer. Conducts training courses on thread methods of facial rejuvenation for plastic surgeons and cosmetologists in Russia and Europe.
Your belly can sag for several reasons.:
drastic weight loss,
chronic stress.
After childbirth, the abdomen may sag due to the fact that the skin cannot cope with overstretching, the skin tone cannot withstand such a load, so this situation occurs. If the newly-made mother had a cesarean section and a welded scar remains there, then the skin can hang over the tooth in the form of a balcony, in this regard, the effect of a sagging abdomen is created.
Also, during pregnancy or weight gain, the abdominal muscles are stretched and diastasis may appear, which can also lead to the fact that the abdomen becomes large, voluminous, and no sports and physical activity help. At this time, plastic surgery comes to the rescue: diastasis can be sutured, abdominal muscles too, excess skin is removed, after the operation a flat and beautiful belly appears again.
Chronic stress can also cause sagging abdominal skin. When a person is nervous, their body releases the stress hormone cortisol, which can suppress the immune system. Due to the long stay of a person in a stressful state, the volume of visceral fat increases.
If you want to lose weight with minimal “excess skin”, then you need to do it at a young age (with age, the skin turgor worsens) and in the right way: not abruptly, but harmoniously, with sports and proper nutrition.