Why does the lower back hurt during pregnancy
Lower back pain during pregnancy is experienced by most women. It can be both a variant of the norm and a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. To reduce discomfort, it is important to clearly understand the causes of pain.

Pregnancy is an exciting and full of happy expectations period in a woman’s life, so any ailments often cause great concern. The body is being rebuilt and preparing for the emergence of a new person, which affects the well-being of the expectant mother. What to do if your back hurts?

– Given the many reasons that can cause such complaints, if you have any back pain, you should consult a doctor. The reason for immediate treatment is brown or bloody discharge, persistent or increasing pain in the lower back that does not go away after rest, fever, pain spreading to the groin and legs, – says Victor Tyutyunnik, chief physician of the maternity hospital of the European Medical Center (EMC), MD, professor.

Why does the lower back hurt in the early stages

It seems to many that in the first 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, external changes are so minimal that nothing should be of concern. The stomach is just starting to grow, which means that the load on the back is not yet increasing. But such conclusions are far from the truth, since the internal restructuring of the body is in full swing from the first weeks.

First trimester

Common causes of lower back pain in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy include the following.

  • Kidney. Especially often pregnant women are worried about cystitis and pyelonephritis. A signal for an urgent appeal to a urologist or nephrologist will be lower back pain, painful and frequent urination, fever, chills and weakness.
  • Increased uterine tone. It is evidenced by a pulling pain encircling the lower back, a feeling of fullness and bloating. A slight tension of the uterus is not a disease, it is a normal condition, since its most powerful layer is precisely the muscle. However, it is important to be able to distinguish the natural tone that may appear from physical activity (cleaning, brisk walking, etc.) from the harbingers of a miscarriage.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Radiculitis, osteochondrosis, vertebral hernia – if there were similar problems in the anamnesis, then during the period of expectation of the child, they can manifest themselves in full measure. You should not worry in advance, the doctor will help you choose the right therapy and improve your condition.
  • Hormonal Reorganization. During pregnancy, the level of the hormone relaxin gradually increases, which leads to relaxation of the ligaments and increased mobility of the joints of the spine. Lower back pain in this case often occurs after long walks, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, or from sitting at a computer for a long time.
  • Neoplasms. The presence of a tumor in the spine causes pain and discomfort. Due to hormonal changes occurring in the body, neoplasms can begin to actively grow, increasing pain.

– If in the early stages of pregnancy the intensity of pain increases or becomes cramping, and spotting appears, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. These alarming symptoms may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. It is important not to waste time here,” explains obstetrician-gynecologist Viktor Tyutyunnik.

Why does the lower back hurt in the late term

In the second and third trimesters, the load on the mother’s body increases significantly, which provokes the appearance of ailments and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Second trimester

For the second trimester, the same causes of back pain are the same as for the first. However, it is worth highlighting the ongoing displacement of internal organs. A growing baby needs more and more space in the mother’s stomach, which can cause additional pressure on the spine, causing pain.

– Due to the increase in the abdomen, the center of gravity shifts. In order to maintain balance, the woman is forced to move her shoulders back while bending her neck, thereby increasing the natural lumbar curve. At the same time, the back muscles are in constant tension, while their tone is reduced under the influence of relaxin. At this time, the back muscles experience a strong load, which is manifested by pain. Such pains often intensify after physical exertion, prolonged sitting or being in one position, for example, when working at a computer, says obstetrician-gynecologist Viktor Tyutyunnik.

Kidney diseases remain relevant for the second trimester. The load on the internal organs is growing, the body becomes more susceptible to genitourinary infections, which together often provokes pyelonephritis. That is why pregnant women in the later stages constantly monitor urine and blood counts.

Third trimester

The final trimester of pregnancy is considered the most difficult and difficult. However, an early meeting with the baby helps expectant mothers to cope with stress. As a rule, lower back pain during this period is caused by the following things.

  • Lack of calcium. The child gets most of the nutrients and vitamins, so if the mother eats poorly or improperly, then her body will not have enough calcium. This is a rather dangerous moment, since a lack of calcium provokes a softening of the bone joints. If you do not take action, then symphysitis may occur.
  • Training bouts. The stomach becomes stone, and the pain encircles the lower back. This is normal, as the body begins to gradually prepare for childbirth. It is easy to distinguish training contractions from generic ones – the first ones do not have a periodicity, they arise chaotically and subside rather quickly.
  • Renal colic. The load on the kidneys in recent weeks is enormous. It can lead not only to pyelonephritis, but also to renal colic. Due to hormonal changes in many pregnant women, metabolism is disturbed and kidney stones form. Such a stone can come out at any time and get stuck in the ureter.
  • Neurological problems. The internal organs do not have enough space, they press on each other, and the curvature of the spine increases significantly. These causes often contribute to a pinched nerve, which provokes pain in the lower back and gluteal region.
  • Harbingers of childbirth. By 36-37 weeks, the baby’s head gradually begins to sink down – this is how the baby is preparing for the birth process. The pelvic bones of the expectant mother expand, which causes discomfort.

What to do if your lower back hurts during pregnancy

First of all, you need to consult with your doctor. As a rule, the following examinations are prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys.

If there is a suspicion of neoplasms or problems with the spine, the doctor will refer the patient to computed tomography.

Treatment will directly depend on the diagnosis. For example, pyelonephritis is usually treated with antibiotics. In this case, it will be important to choose a drug that is safe for the mother and child. Massage and special ointments will help from osteochondrosis. Hypertonicity of the uterus is leveled by taking drugs with magnesium.

Prevention of back pain during pregnancy

Preventive measures to help prevent low back pain include the following recommendations.

  • Eat right. More vegetables and fruits, lean meats and fish. The diet must include dairy products and cereals. Drink fruit drinks, juices, have snacks at work and follow a diet.
  • Choose comfortable clothes and shoes. It is better to refuse high heels, since the load on the spine is already great.
  • Don’t lift heavy things. This can provoke uterine tone.
  • Talk to your doctor about prenatal bandage. For many pregnant women, it is a real salvation, allowing them to lead a normal life – walking, working, cooking, shopping.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. Do gymnastics, yoga, go to the pool, walk in the fresh air.
  • Buy a pregnancy pillow. Or change the mattress to a more comfortable one. The main thing is that you sleep comfortably.

Popular questions and answers

Frequently asked questions are answered by the obstetrician-gynecologist of the European Medical Center (EMC), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Viktor Tyutyunnik.

Why does the lower back and lower abdomen hurt at the same time?

In the early stages, such pain can provoke uterine tone. In the third trimester, as a rule, “training contractions” or Braxton-Hicks contractions appear, which can be recognized by pulling pains in the back and lower back. Usually their duration is no more than 1 minute, they are irregular and are due to the beginning of the preparation of the body for childbirth. If the interval between contractions decreases and the intensity increases, this may indicate the onset of regular labor or the threat of preterm labor before 37 weeks of gestation.

Why does my lower back hurt when walking?

Pain in the lower back manifests itself especially strongly when walking, physical activity, bending and turning the body, if the future mother has a history of chronic diseases of the spine (protrusions, scoliosis, intervertebral hernias). On the background of pregnancy, they tend to worsen. This is facilitated by weight gain and growth of the fetus.

Why does my lower back hurt even when I’m lying down?

In the second trimester, due to the increase in the abdomen, the center of gravity shifts. In order to maintain balance, a woman is forced to take her shoulders back, while bending her neck, thereby increasing the natural lumbar curve. At the same time, the back muscles are in constant tension, while their tone is reduced under the influence of relaxin. At this time, the back muscles experience a strong load, which is manifested by pain. Such pain is more likely to worsen after exercise, prolonged sitting, or being in one position, such as when working at a computer.

There can be many reasons – the load on the spine, exacerbation of chronic diseases, training contractions. However, first of all, you should pay attention to the kidneys, since in the supine position the load on them is maximum.

Sources of

  1. Atiyat K., Abdul Fatta O., Zureigat A., Dawad A. Kinematic analysis of the degree of curvature of the spine in pregnant women in different trimesters of pregnancy https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/kinematicheskiy-analiz-stepeni-iskrivleniya-pozvonochnika- u-beremennyh-zhenschin-v-raznye-trimestry-pregnancy/viewer

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