Why does the kitten sneeze

Why does the kitten sneeze

Most often, a kitten sneezes due to ordinary dust particles that have got into its nose. However, sneezing can also hide diseases in the body. Here are some of them.

The content of the article:

  • Causes
  • What to do

The kitten may sneeze due to the smell of perfume or air freshener.

Sneezing triggers allergies to dust, pollen, or mold. Allergens can include detergents and cleaners, cigarette smoke, and toilet filler. All of them irritate the nasal mucosa, and the kitten begins to sneeze.

The reason for frequent sneezing is the ingress of a foreign object or infection into the respiratory tract. When infected, the kitten produces mucus when coughing or from the eyes, swelling of the eyes and an increased heart rate. Sneezing with blood is sometimes observed. This indicates severe damage to the airways, possible leukemia or cancer of the nose. In this case, the help of a veterinarian is needed.

All health problems begin due to a weakened immune system.

Diseases of the oral cavity cause the pet to sneeze. Symptoms include an unpleasant odor, sore gums, and pustules around the mouth. They are caused by bacteria and infections.

Heartworms are the culprit for sneezing. Infection occurs from a mosquito bite. The right side of the heart and the arteries of the lungs are affected. Breathing is impaired, causing coughing and sneezing.

What to do if a kitten sneezes

Take your pet to the veterinary clinic to refute or confirm possible diseases. A doctor’s consultation is necessary if:

  • tears and blood appeared;
  • the kitten constantly sniffs and scratches it;
  • discharge from the eyes and nose is observed;
  • the temperature has risen;
  • swollen eyes and tonsils.

After examination, the veterinarian will prescribe treatment. It includes taking medications and applying medications – creams or ointments.

Folk remedies also help. To get rid of mucus from the eyes, use tea leaves or prepare chamomile tea. Moisten a piece of cotton wool in a tea leaves or broth and wipe the eyes with it.

After treatment, for prevention, antiviral vaccinations and vaccinations against leukemia and rabies are given. Vaccination is recommended annually starting at six months.

Do not wash the kitten’s bowl with household products so as not to cause allergies.

If the kitten goes outside, spray it with a special insect repellent. They are sold at any veterinary pharmacy. Before choosing, be sure to consult your doctor.

Follow your doctor’s advice. Monitor your pet’s health and strengthen its immunity.

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