Why does the kitten bite, what to do
If a kitten bites, you need to understand why he does it. Observe the behavior of the animal. He may be scared, aggressive, or acting.
While the kitten is small, his attacks are affectionate. But the animal grows, and if it does not get rid of the bad habit, the owners will face a problem: the bites of an adult cat are painful and do not heal for a long time.
If the kitten bites, try to distract its attention with a toy.
Try to understand the reasons for the kitten’s behavior:
- fear – the animal is not used to excessive attention. Afraid of new owners trying to pet the pet;
- aggression – the presence of other animals, careless handling, violation of personal space irritates the kitten. He attacks by instinct;
- game – movement of arms and legs interests a small predator, he begins to hunt.
If the attack is triggered by fear or discomfort, take the kitten in your arms and calm it down. Under favorable conditions, the animal will stop biting.
What to do if the kitten bites constantly
If a small pet regularly trains hunting skills in the household, use the following recommendations:
- if the kitten constantly bites on the finger, do not pull out the hand, but lightly press on its tongue or start slowly moving the finger deep into its mouth. After a while, an association with unpleasant consequences will appear;
- while playing with the kitten, pick up a purchased or homemade stick with a brush. This will wean the animal from seeing hands as prey;
- Prepare a noisemaker in advance – a container filled with beans, cereals or other small items. During the attack, shake the noisemaker over the ear of the animal. When it gets scared, pick it up to calm it down;
- if the pet attacked, and there was nothing at hand, blow it in the face. The flow of air will not harm, but it will cause discomfort.
You can use water instead of loud noises and distractions. When your pet bites, spray it with a spray bottle. Do not use the method near household electrical appliances.
To wean a kitten from biting, you need to be patient. You cannot beat the animal or intimidate. It can harbor resentment and embitters. Stick to the chosen method and the result will be visible in 10-20 days. Weaning a small kitten from biting is easier than re-educating an adult animal.
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