Why does the head often hurt

Why does the head often hurt

We know that stress, alcohol, lack of sleep and overwork can easily trigger headaches. However, few people realize that the head can get sick from simple lemonade and even from a pill designed to relieve this headache. WDay.ru has identified 8 unusual causes of the disease.

Why does the head often hurt

So, if you have a headache, you may be:

1. Have sex 2. Drank carbonated drinks 3. Smoke 4. You have critical days 5. Taking contraceptives 6. Drank a pill for a headache 7. They took vitamins and minerals 8. Wear glasses

1. Have sex

This phenomenon was discovered by German scientists. The study showed that 800 thousand people at the time of orgasm experience a sharp attack of headache, which lasts 10-15 minutes, and after another for almost two hours, the head just aches. Quite young people – 25-40 years old – face such problems.

Scientists believe that this is most likely due to spasm or excessive vasodilation due to the release of hormones. It is curious that women are 4 times less likely than men to face this problem. Sex has the opposite effect on the weaker sex: most of the women interviewed noted that even a severe headache goes away after good sex.

Decision. As a preventive measure, pain relievers can be taken 15 minutes before lovemaking. Not too romantic, but effective. Relaxation, aromatherapy or … temporary abstinence help: for some men it is enough not to make love for a couple of weeks so that an orgasm is no longer accompanied by a headache.

Soda can easily cause headaches.

2. Drank carbonated drinks

Soda can cause headaches. As well as fatty foods and even sweets. If you have high blood pressure, try to eat foods low in fat, and instead of Coca-Cola, drink plain water, it is much healthier and your head will definitely not hurt from it.

Decision. We’ll have to, at least for a while, exclude from the menu canned meat and vegetables, semi-finished products, sugary carbonated drinks and confectionery. The blacklist leaders – canned ham, salami, bacon, hot dogs, smoked fish – are especially rich in nitrites, the worst provocateurs of headaches. If you let go of your head on a diet, it means that it makes sense to completely abandon such delicacies.

Smoking is a habit that harms the entire body.

3. Smoke

This habit wreaks havoc on the entire body, and headaches are just one of dozens of side effects. Tobacco smoke irritates the mucous membranes of the lungs, esophagus, stomach, intestines. The main harmful effects in tobacco smoke belong to nicotine and toxic products. Nicotine leads to increased heart rate, increased blood pressure. And as a result of the action of tobacco poisons, a constant poisoning of the body occurs, which in acute cases is manifested by nausea, dizziness, headache and fainting, up to respiratory arrest and cardiac activity. In chronic cases, poisoning with tobacco poisons can manifest itself as a change in mood, shortness of breath, cough, abdominal pain, headache.

Decision. You need to quit smoking. According to a study in which more than 100 thousand women took part, significant improvements in the functioning of organs and body systems can be detected within a few months after giving up the addiction. And within 5 years, the risk of premature death decreases by 13%. “The more data on the benefits of life without a cigarette, the more often people will quit smoking,” the scientists are sure.

During critical days, you should not take antispasmodics, they promote vasodilation, which can increase blood loss.

4. You have critical days.

During critical days, the level of serotonin (the “pleasure hormone”) decreases significantly, which often turns into not only a bad mood, but also a headache, which, by the way, can last up to two weeks!

Decision. Regular pills can help: analgin, paracetamol, or aspirin. If menstrual headaches are with you all the time, always keep the medicine with you that works (you may already have a proven remedy). However, you should not expect help from antispasmodics (for example, no-shpy): such dilate blood vessels, which can increase blood loss. But antidepressants can work, they make up for the loss of serotonin. Just do not prescribe such medications to yourself, consult a neurologist.

5. Taking contraceptives

According to the American Pain Association, women taking hormonal contraceptives are 1,5 times more likely to use pain medications, including for headaches. And there is an explanation for this. Contraceptives change the level of estrogens (female sex hormones) in the blood, and with it – the tone of blood vessels, and here it is – a headache on a silver platter in a load to the joys of carefree love.

Decision. For some, it is enough, after consulting with a gynecologist, to replace a contraceptive. Perhaps the individual reaction to the drug is to blame. If the doctor identifies hormonal disorders that are not related to him, then he will prescribe corrective hormonal therapy.

Even medications can aggravate headaches and cause permanent discomfort.

6. Drank a pill for a headache

It sounds strange, but even headache medications can cause headaches. If you notice such a connection, be sure to see your doctor.

Decision. Read the leaflet carefully before taking any medication. If the side effects include “headache”, think, it might be better to refuse such pills?

7. Took vitamins and minerals

It would seem that what could be more useful than a pack of vitamins? However, overdosing them can lead to problems. It is especially undesirable to overestimate the dose of vitamins of group D. So, vitamin D3 – cholecalciferol – which contains a molecule of cholesterol, in case of an overdose, causes liming of blood vessels and soft tissues, the formation of kidney stones.

Solution… Take vitamins in dosage. Monitor blood calcium levels.

Incorrectly fitted glasses can cause headaches.

8. Wear glasses

Headaches are often caused by eye strain due to incorrect vision correction. Poor centering of the lens – and by the evening the torment is assured. Alternative reason: you have been wearing the same glasses for many years. But vision changes – and gradually myopia in general can be replaced by farsightedness.

Decision. Always check your visual acuity before changing your glasses again. And if you notice that you have a headache while wearing a new pair, contact your optometrist again.

Treating headaches

For moderate headaches, you can put a cold or warm compress, a mustard plaster on the back of the head, traditional medicine advises to attach a cabbage leaf to the forehead. You can also pull your head with a tight bandage and take an anesthetic pill. Analgesics, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are widely used to combat headaches. However, any unjustified use of drugs leads to the development of a drug disease, primarily gastric disorders, up to a stomach ulcer. If the pain is severe and prolonged, you should be examined.

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