Why does the ficus shed its leaves and what to do at the same time

Why does the ficus shed its leaves and what to do at the same time

Under natural conditions, the ficus sheds its leaves only during drought. But with regular grooming, this should not be the case. And if the plant begins to lose leaves, it is necessary to understand the reason and take appropriate measures.

Why does the ficus shed its leaves

Trying to figure out why the leaves began to fall off, natural processes should be excluded. If the plant has dropped only a couple of lower leaves, no measures need to be taken, as the ficus forms the trunk. But, if the leaves fall profusely, you need to act immediately, otherwise the tree may die.

Ficus can shed its leaves for several reasons.

There are several reasons why the ficus loses its foliage:

  • moving a plant to another room or simply changing its location;
  • transfer to another container;
  • unsuitable temperature regime;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • drops in humidity levels;
  • improper watering;
  • lack of nutrients.

Also, the cause of leaf fall can be some kind of disease or the appearance of pests.

What to do if the ficus begins to shed its leaves

Having found out the reason for the loss of leaves, you should start to eliminate it. First, make sure the plant is in a well-lit area and protected from drafts. The most optimal temperature for ficus is from +18 to + 25 ° C, depending on the season. If the container with ficus is on a cold floor or windowsill, place a foam or mat under it.

It is necessary to water the plant sparingly, only after the soil in the pot dries out. If the soil, due to abundant watering, has become compacted and covered with a green bloom, it is imperative to change the soil.

If insufficient lighting is the reason for the leaves falling, additionally illuminate the plant with fluorescent lamps.

In winter, the air in apartments becomes very dry, so the ficus should be constantly sprayed. A humidifier will also help in this situation.

When pests appear on the plant, it is necessary to treat it with special means.

If all these methods did not help, it is recommended to check the condition of the ficus root system. To do this, you need to carefully pull it out of the pot and carefully examine all the roots. If you see soft, dry, or rotten roots, trim them and sprinkle with crushed activated charcoal. Then the plant must be transplanted into a smaller pot, be sure to change the entire soil.

Don’t be upset if your favorite plant starts shedding its leaves. With timely assistance, the ficus will continue to delight you with its beautiful appearance.

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